For example, if you and your spouse were over the age of 65 in 2016 and had an AGI of ,000, you could deduct the amount of allowable medical expenses over ,750, which is 7.5% of ,000. If your total medical expenses were ,000 you could deduct ,250.The Senior Citizens League appreciates the hard work and leadership of Chairman Collins on this important issue, and we hope to see the BOLD Act signed into law before the end of this year. For more information, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website..Low-income seniors, including about one-quarter of all Notch Babies, may be feeling the effects of the expiration of federal stimulus funding for Medicaid that ended recently. The recession drove up Medicaid enrollment sharply, but the federal government stepped in with extra funding to help states cover the costs. Increased enrollment and decreased funding have led states to eliminate some benefits and increase the co-payments they charge..According to Johnson's calculations, the Social Security beneficiaries who are most likely will not to see an increase in their net monthly check are those with benefits below ,264 per month. These individuals will once again be subject to hold harmless in 201Their COLA will be completely offset by the Part B premiums, but their Social Security benefits will not be reduced. "The net result will be no growth in the benefit for the third year in a row," Johnson says. "And that leaves nothing to meet other rising costs, such as Medigap premiums, Part D premiums, out-of-pocket costs, or anything else," Johnson notes.."This is a budget cut that makes no sense," says TSCL Executive Director Shannon Benton. "Meals on Wheels is a low-cost program that reduces our nation's healthcare bill and more importantly helps seniors stay in their home and remain independent," she says..In a letter that was sent to the twenty-nine conferees on Monday, members of the House Appropriations Committee wrote: "We call on the Budget conference to reach an agreement on the FY2014 and FY2015 spending caps as soon as possible to allow the appropriations process to move forward … If a timely agreement is not reached, the likely alternatives could have extremely damaging repercussions." According to the appropriators, the alternatives include: a government shutdown on January 15th, continued governance by continuing resolution, and a second round of across-the-board spending cuts via the "sequester," which is scheduled to hit in January..Take a class: Work out your brain and memory cells in addition to socializing with others by taking classes. Some 119 colleges in every state offer noncredit classes designed for people age 50 and older. Osher Lifelong Learning Institute courses are available at very low cost. In Charlottesville, Virginia, for example, students pay a annual membership, the first course of the fall session is and then each course thereafter is only ..The median income for those age 65 and older was ,757 in 2010..In the final days of the holiday recess, many Members of Congress will be holding town hall meetings and attending local events in their home states and districts. The Senior Citizens League encourages its members and supporters to attend these events and to ask important questions about the BCRA and its potential impact on older Americans, like the following two…

Processing The Us Capitol Attack

If you are like millions of Americans you have experienced delays in your mail, including drug prescriptions and checks. In some instances, it has taken over a month for a letter to arrive at its destination, and there are still stories of undelivered packages piled up in postal facilities..Under current law, workers earning more than 0,100 today pay no Social Security taxes on their earnings over that amount. A major proposal to extend the solvency of Social Security would increase or completely eliminate the taxable maximum. What is your position?.H.R. 2787, CPI for Seniors Act If adopted, H.R. 2787 would mandate the monthly formulation and publication of a consumer price index specifically for senior citizens for the purpose of establishing an accurate Social Security COLA for beneficiaries. … Continued

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At their convention in July, delegates of the Republican Party approved a platform focused on reducing the national debt. Their document begins by stating: "We reject the old maxim that Social Security is the 'Third Rail' of American politics, deadly for anyone who would change it. The Democratic Party still treats it that way, even though everyone knows that its current course will lead to a financial and social disaster." The focal point of their plan is cutting government waste, encouraging economic growth, and balancing the budget even if that means making significant changes to programs like Social Security..Most Americans contribute 6.2 percent of every paycheck to Social Security, but due to the payroll tax cap, people earning more than 8,400 contribute nothing over that amount. Eliminating the payroll tax cap would extend the solvency of the program responsibly, without cutting benefits for seniors. Do you agree?.The Senior Citizens League is hopeful that Congress will pass responsible reforms to the Social Security and Medicare programs as soon as possible to strengthen benefits and restore the solvency of the Trust Funds. For more information about legislation that has been endorsed by The Senior Citizens League, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website. … Continued

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