partnership programs available in several states..Budget Deal Passes With Provisions To Head Off SSDI Benefit Cut.Although there's a new higher standard deduction for U.S. taxpayers this year, tax professionals are cautioning taxpayers against automatically taking it. The 2017 tax legislation retains the deduction for medical expenses. This year, taxpayers can deduct medical expenses exceeding 7.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income, but that threshold will rise to 10% of the AGI in 2019, so taxpayers won't be able to deduct as much. It would be a good idea to crunch the numbers now, to learn if itemizing and the medical expense deduction would reduce your taxes..Petition to Congress: A Fair Cost of Living Adjustment for Social Security Benefits.Better Donut Hole Coverage - Higher Taxes Ahead.The debate over cutting entitlement spending, however, isn't new. For years, proposals to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits have been put forth from both sides of the aisle. Consider:.The bill calls for an "average" COLA increase, which according to our calculations would equal about 3%. For retirees with an average monthly benefit of ,153 in 2009, that would be an increase of .60 per month - an additional 5.20 in 200TSCL believes that could offset rising Medicare Part B and Part D premium increases for almost every senior, and may help offset some other out-of-pocket health care cost increases as well..This week, TSCL announced its support for the Improving Care for Vulnerable Older Citizens through Workforce Advancement Act, which was introduced by Sen. Bob Casey in the Senate, and by Rep. Matt Cartwright in the House. If signed into law, the bill would create six different demonstration projects that would focus on the coordination of care for elderly patients with multiple chronic illnesses. It would put Direct Care Workers such as nursing assistants, home health aides, or personal care aides in advanced roles, and it would test and evaluate different models of care coordination..Last summer's draught killed crops in almost 80% of the continental U.S. Higher wheat, corn and soybean prices are showing up in grocery receipts. Senior couples can expect higher food costs to add about 0 and more to their food bill this year.

Health Costs Issue Brief Dental Hearing And Vision Costs And Coverage Among Medicare Beneficiaries In Traditional Medicare And Medicare Advantage

Typically, working adults age 65 and older can delay enrolling in Medicare without penalty, if they continue to receive group health insurance through their employer. The employer, however, must have more than 20 or more employees. Employers with fewer than 20, fall under Medicare primary payer rules. Under current law, Medicare is the primary payer at age 65 and if you don't sign up by your Initial Enrollment deadline, your former insurance will no longer cover you, because by law, Medicare pays first. In addition, you would be subject to permanent late enrollment penalties for the rest of your life when you do get around to signing up for Medicare..This is a problem that affects retirees enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans much more so than those who have Medigap supplemental coverage which allows enrollees to see any provider that accepts Medicare. To reduce the costs of care, and to keep premiums low for consumers, Medicare Advantage plans contract with doctors and hospitals to create networks. Cost is a predominant concern and, in the process, plans create networks that exclude higher cost providers..Sen. Enzi, one of the leading negotiators, said in a statement: "Congress is poised to approve a 10-year balanced budget for the first time since 2001, which represents an important step in confronting the nation's chronic overspending. This will help change the way we do business here in Washington to make the government live within its means just like hardworking families." … Continued

Blog Addressing Vulnerabilities Opportunities In A Changing Energy Landscape

Uncertain: 17%.The largest percentage of those surveyed in TSCL's 2017 Senior Survey - 37 percent - reported that their household expenses rose by more than 9 per month in 2016, yet the annual cost of living adjustment increased benefits by only 0.3 percent, about .00- .00 per month for someone with average benefits. Few beneficiaries actually saw an increase in benefits at all, however, because rising Medicare Part B premiums took the entire COLA. "This flat growth in Social Security forces tens of millions of retirees and their families to spend more out of savings every year, go into debt, or look to Medicaid and other safety net programs to make ends meet," Johnson says..what you will pay for it - and do this every year. If the drug is expensive, … Continued

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