At Monday's press conference, all six Trustees commented on the need for Congress to make some changes to both programs to ensure their financial stability. The Senior Citizens League agrees that both programs must be returned to solvency to ensure that future retirees receive the security they deserve. However, we firmly believe that any changes to either program should be phased in gradually and should not affect those seniors nearing or currently in retirement..Instead of the sweeping legislation supported by the House Democratic leadership they have indicated supported for more modest measures that already have some Republican support. Those include things like capping Medicare enrollees' out-of-pocket drug costs..The Senior Citizens League's estimate is based on an expected Part B increase of .50 per month, from 4.00 in 2018 to 5.50 per month in 2019, as estimated by the Medicare Trustees in June of this year. "A Part B increase any more than .50 per month would mean that even more people at even higher benefit levels would potentially be affected by the Social Security 'hold-harmless' provision again in 2019," Johnson notes..Medicare Part B premiums jumped .10 per month in 2020 - one of the biggest increases in recent years. While the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment increased benefits by 1.6 percent in 2020, Medicare Part B premiums climbed 6.7 percent, more than four times faster. A jump of this size can put older household budgets into a bind, forcing retirees to go without essentials when they run short before their next Social Security check..or the amount Medicare pays for the service. Do this before I have to nag you,.Members of Congress may lose an election but unlike other Americans, they never lose their retirement and health benefits. A Member of the House or Senate who retires at age 60 after just 12 years in office will receive a Congressional pension of ,000 a year and lifetime benefits that could total more than 0,000. That doesn't even include 401 benefits or their Social Security benefits -..As of June 30th, the fate of the Senate's repeal and replace healthcare bill remains uncertain. The legislative in the Senate has avoided full bipartisan committee consideration and open hearings. We urge you to contact your Members of Congress and tell them NO to Medicaid cuts..In 2019, there are a total of ten different Medigap plans, "A" through "N." Congress closed Plans "F" and "C" because they cover the Medicare Part B deductible. The thinking is that deductibles prevent "over utilization" of Medicare benefits. The Part B deductible is 5.50 this year and it rises at the same pace as the Part B premium. According to research by Johnson, Part B premiums have increased about 10 percent per year since 2000, making it one of the fastest growing costs in retirement. "Requiring retirees to pay deductibles, or higher deductibles, has the biggest financial and health impact on middle-income Medicare beneficiaries with modest means," says Johnson. "Many put off medically necessary care if they can't afford the deductible, and their health can get worse when they do," she says..People age 65 and older who have not started Social Security benefits, and who pay by check. Most of this group includes people who are still working or those who may recently have lost jobs but not yet started Social Security benefits.

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In years when there has been no, or almost no cost-of-living adjustment, Medicare Part B premiums have spiked significantly. TSCL is highly concerned that another Medicare Part B premium spike could.Benefit Bulletin: June 2020 Medicare Premiums Could Spike Due to Coronavirus.A growing number of Medicare beneficiaries are choosing to receive their coverage through private Medicare Advantage plans, rather than traditional Medicare with a Medigap supplement and Part D plan. The choice requires careful evaluation of costs and an understanding of how the prospective Medicare Advantage works, because once you give up your Medigap plan, you probably won't be able to get another one, or if you do, you could be charged significantly more. No matter what you decide, you will still be required to pay the Part B premium..New legislation before the House and Senate would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset so that public servants receive the Social Security benefits they have earned and deserve. Will you cosponsor the Social Security Fairness Act when you return to Washington? … Continued

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Charitable contributions, and the donation of goods, provided you have receipts for the donations..By U.S. Senator Tim Kaine.Although Medicare has an annual Open Enrollment period, when beneficiaries can compare drug plans and switch to lower costing drug plans, few retirees actually do so. "In most areas of the country, the Medicare beneficiaries have more than two dozen Part D plans to sort through, and the average person just don't know where to begin, or that free, unbiased help is available," Johnson says. "Consequently, Medicare beneficiaries winds up overpaying for prescriptions that could be obtained for a lower cost from a different drug plan." … Continued

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