Once lawmakers return from next week's holiday break, they will have just a few days to pass a continuing resolution to keep most of the federal government operating past December 7th. Should they fail to reach an agreement before then, part of the federal government will shut down like it did earlier this year. The Senior Citizens League is hopeful that lawmakers will act responsibly to keep the federal government fully funded so that essential programs like Social Security and Medicare can operate as smoothly as possible..In addition, the legislation froze the income thresholds at which the higher premiums are triggered so more seniors will have to pay the higher premiums as incomes gradually grow over time. TSCL's Legislative Assistant, Mike Watson, estimates that "individual seniors who made between ,000 and ,000 in 2010 could be subjected to the 'means test' in 2019, because of the frozen income thresholds. In addition, if the income thresholds for the 'means test' were allowed to increase, they would rise to about 0,500 to 1,800 in 2019.".The age at which one applies for Social Security is the single biggest financial decision most of us will ever make, but TSCL's 2017 Senior Survey suggests that the vast majority of people claiming Social Security aren't getting the help they need. When survey participants were asked if they had received counseling from the Social Security Administration about the best age to start benefits, 77% of survey participants said no, and 71% said that prior to starting benefits they were unaware of the total lifetime benefit income they could expect to receive..At their convention in July, delegates of the Republican Party approved a platform focused on reducing the national debt. Their document begins by stating: "We reject the old maxim that Social Security is the 'Third Rail' of American politics, deadly for anyone who would change it. The Democratic Party still treats it that way, even though everyone knows that its current course will lead to a financial and social disaster." The focal point of their plan is cutting government waste, encouraging economic growth, and balancing the budget even if that means making significant changes to programs like Social Security..The Senior Citizens League enthusiastically supports the Seniors Have Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act, and we believe its passage is essential in order for older Americans to maintain their dignity and good health in retirement. In the months ahead, we look forward to working with Representative Roybal-Allard to help build support for her bill, and we hope to see it signed into law before the end of this year..Women who receive Social Security benefits outnumber men who do by almost 18%, according to data from the Social Security Administration. While women tend to outlive men, the average benefit received by women is 26% lower than the average benefit received by men.."'It's modest in terms of efficacy. It's [statistically] significant, but it may not be observable by the family or caregiver or even the physician,'" he said. "'I would tell them this is not a cure - something to set the expectation that this is likely not going to be a dramatic improvement, but this could be something more subtle.'".The base Medicare Part B premium that covers doctors and hospital outpatient services increased .00 in 201Overall healthcare costs are forecast to rise 7.5% this year - more than four times the amount of the COLA increase..This week, lawmakers in the House remained in their home districts to continue the summer recess. They are expected to return to Capitol Hill next Tuesday, September 4th. In the days ahead, many Members of Congress will be attending local events and hosting town hall meetings in their home districts. The Senior Citizens League encourages its supporters to attend these events and to ask important questions of their elected officials, like the following five.

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The CPI-E Act, if signed into law, would amend the Social Security Act with regard to the annual cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security and Medicare benefits. Currently, the COLA is based upon the spending patterns of young, urban workers, but this legislation would calculate the COLA based on the spending patterns of seniors..This estimate is still just that - an estimate. The 2020 COLA is based on CPI data through September 2019 and won't be announced until October. Inflation could start going up again, but with the first five months of data so low, we are likely to see another low COLA in 2020.."Even one year of high health costs, like being hospitalized for surgery, could force most seniors to spend through their savings faster, or go into debt," says TSCL Chairman, Ed Cates. "Most retirees are dealing with fragile fiscal safety nets," he says. "What makes this finding so significant is that most Medicare health plans have annual out-of-pocket maximums that exceed ,000," Cates adds. … Continued

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What that means, in plain language, is the President is suggesting that for an unspecified "short term," taxes paid by workers into the Social Security system be suspended, further weakening the Social Security system..Meal and nutrition programs.If you or someone you know is struggling to make their Social Security benefits stretch from one month to another, there are two Medicare programs that can help with medical costs for those eligible - Medicare Savings Programs which cover some Part B costs, and Medicare Extra Help which provides help with prescription costs. … Continued

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