Members of the Senate will return to Capitol Hill on September 6th, and Members of the House of Representatives will return on September 7th. TSCL would like to remind you to approach your Members of Congress at local events and request their support for a fair Social Security cost-of-living adjustment and other key issues..A COLA as low as 1.2% increases the risk that Medicare Part B premiums for 2020 would take the entire amount of any COLA increase for many beneficiaries. This would be especially true for any Part B increase around .00 per month..Addressing the Part A shortfall will be particularly difficult and contentious for everyone. To bring greater solvency to the HI trust fund, lawmakers will be faced with the politically unpalatable choices of reducing Medicare spending, which could include requiring that Medicare recipients pay more for their coverage and increasing the tax revenues received by Medicare. Congress last addressed Medicare Part A finances in the 2010 Affordable Care Act which, among other things, required hospitals to become more efficient in their delivery of care, while requiring that higher income workers pay a higher Medicare payroll tax rate..Replace windows and roofs only when necessary. Windows and roofs are expensive and no fun for older homeowners to replace. While homebuyers expect roofs and windows to be in good condition, replacing them may not dramatically boost the resale value of your home. Get the opinion of your real estate agent..the premium may become unaffordable..When President Obama announced his massive immigration executive action last fall, a White House fact sheet said the actions would "expand the country's tax base by millions of people and billions of dollars." Then in a plainly self-contradictory statement, the fact sheet goes on to say that many of the 5 million individuals who would be eligible for work authorization and deportation protection "are already in the workforce contributing federal, state, and local taxes. But roughly two-third of them don't pay taxes today." The White House thus implies that executive action would add solvency to the program, because most of the people it affects aren't paying taxes into the program today..Squeeze your home for cash - If your home can be divided into.Prices for and Spending on Specialty Drugs in Medicare Part D and Medicaid, Congressional Budget Office, March 2019..A senior with the average Social Security benefit in 2000 received 6 per month, a figure that rose to ,129.80 by 201However, that senior would require a Social Security benefit of ,477.00 per month in 2013 just to maintain his or her 2000 buying power.

Prevent Concussions Myth Vs Fact

The Senior Citizens League applauds the work and dedication of both of these committees to helping the millions of people affected by opioid addiction many of whom are older Americans. For frequent updates on the progress of these and other congressional committees, visit our Legislative News ​page every Friday..Shopping for a new Medicare Plan? Watch out For This Overlooked Practice..Our nation faces an urgent crisis: as middle-class families increasingly are squeezed by stagnant wages and rising costs, the dream of a secure retirement is slipping away. … Continued

Blog Six Questions After Trumps Environmental Executive Order

"When family caregivers don't get the support they need, and few get enough, they are faced with leaving their jobs, taking on significant debt, or moving their loved ones out of their homes and into costly assisted living facilities," Cates notes. TSCL believes this growing problem must be addressed to enable older and disabled Americans to live with dignity in their homes and communities. TSCL encourages the public to contact Members of Congress and ask elected lawmakers to support the Credit For Caring Act. To learn, more visit..As an indicator of low inflation, based on consumer price index data through April of this year, Johnson estimates that the COLA for 2019 will be about 1.7%percent. That number could change, since there are still five months of consumer price index data to be collected before the Social Security Administration announces the COLA in October..Almost 70 percent of beneficiaries depend on Social Security for 50 percent or more of their income. Social Security is the sole source of income for 15 percent of beneficiaries. … Continued

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