Petition to Congress: No Budget Deal that Sells Out America's Seniors.Right now, there are immediate steps we can take to help build a sustainable path toward cheaper drugs for all Americans - and I'd like to highlight two recent bills that could increase transparency and competition as a part of this strategy..On behalf of the Board of Trustees and all TSCL members, we would like to send a hearty "thank-you," to the Members of Congress and their staff for meeting with us..Call Social Security at for more information about your Medicare eligibility and to sign up for Part A and/or Part B. You can also apply at /retirement. You can get free personalized heath insurance counseling from your State Health Insurance Assistance Program. Many of these programs operate through area agencies on aging. Check your local phone book or call the Eldercare Locator to find help in your community..This week, one new cosponsor Senator Dean Heller signed on to Senator David Vitter's Notch Fairness Act. Senator Heller is currently the bill's only cosponsor..The GPO reduces the Social Security benefit received by spouses and surviving spouses who also collect a government pension. Nine out of 10 public employees affected by the GPO lose their entire spousal benefit, even when their spouse paid Social Security taxes for many years. According to the Congressional Research Service, in 2018 approximately 6.6 million state and local government workers were in non- Social Security covered jobs. About 83% of all affected by the GPO are women..There's not much time to head off this situation. We can't let Congress think they can shrug and look the other way again this time. A 2.5% COLA is the amount that the Congressional Budget Office estimated beneficiaries would get in 2021, and those funds are already factored into the Social Security spending projections for 2021..In the days ahead, many Senators will be holding town hall meetings in their home states. TSCL encourages its members and supporters to attend these events and to ask important questions about the BCRA, like the following two….How Can We Expand Social Security When The Program Is Running Out of Money?

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Petition to Congress: No Budget Deal that Sells Out America's Seniors.For information about town hall meetings near you in the days ahead, call the local offices of your elected officials. For contact information, click HERE..The proposal to cut the growth of COLAs formed a major Social Security reform provision of President Obama's 2010 Fiscal Commission. It would reduce the growth rate in COLAs by switching to the more slowly-growing "chained" CPI. "The switch is insidious because it's enormously complicated to figure out, and it looks so small on paper - just 0.03 tenths of a percentage point," Hyland observes. "But the loss compounds over time. Within a decade it would have a significant financial punch that just keeps getting bigger," Hyland explains. The following chart provided by TSCL illustrates the impact of a chained CPI on a married couple's Social Security benefits, which start at a total of ,500 per month today, and how their benefits change over the first ten years. After ten years the chained CPI would reduce benefits by per month, and would cut benefits by ,488 over the ten-year period. … Continued

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Recently a friend of mine in her late 70's wondered, "How would I know it's time for assisted living if I live alone?" She has no close family of her own for caregiving. What do you recommend for people like this?.TSCL is strongly opposed to plans to "chain the COLA." Such a switch has been estimated to reduce Social Security benefits by about 7% over a 30-year retirement. An average benefit of ,300 in 2017 would be about 5 per month less at the end of the period than it would be using the current CPI. An index that causes higher taxes, and lower retirement benefits, make the chained CPI a bad deal for older Americans..Opportunity to utilize new technologies such as telemedicine that bring health care to those in rural communities. … Continued

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