"But the evidence on whether Biogen's treatment, called aducanumab, is effective is, at best, mixed; the FDA approved it this week over the objections of its own advisory committee. And with a preliminary announced price of nearly ,000 annually per patient, covering the treatment could cost upward of 0 billion a year, mostly to Medicare, which would almost double the program's drug spending. Patients themselves could be on the hook for thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs.".Democrats want to be able to pass President Biden's economic stimulus/COVID-19 relief bill, but it is highly unlikely they could get 10 Republicans to vote for the bill..What do you feel are Medicare's major problem areas, and how do you feel they should be addressed?.Two House Bills Gain New Support.The billion could be financed without taking money from the Social Security Trust Fund. One way is through reduction of pork barrel spending and government waste. In the fiscal year 2001 budget alone, pork "watch-dog" Senator John McCain estimated that the government would spend a record billion in pork-barrel projects..With 1.2 million supporters, The Senior Citizens League is one of the nation's largest nonpartisan seniors groups. Its mission is to promote and assist members and supporters, to educate and alert senior citizens about their rights and freedoms as U.S. Citizens, and to protect and defend the benefits senior citizens have earned and paid for. The Senior Citizens League is a proud affiliate of TREThe Enlisted Association. Visit for more information..On Tuesday, after five days of debate, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the "Gang of Eight's" comprehensive immigration reform bill by a vote of thirteen to five. If signed into law, the bill would provide more than 11 million immigrants with a path to citizenship. A number of amendments were adopted by the Senate Committee members, but TSCL was disappointed that they failed to approve an amendment that would have prevented immigrants from earning Social Security credits based on work completed while in the country illegally. Sen. Orrin Hatch sponsored the amendment, and while he ultimately voted in favor of advancing the bill, he did state that it "needs more improvement" before he would consider supporting it on the Senate floor..Example: In 2018 you are allowed to earn ,040 per year or ,420 per month without Social Security withholding any of your benefits. Let's say you earn more, ,900 per month. That would mean you would earn 0 more than the limit. Social Security would reduce your benefit by 0 per month, leaving you with just 0 per month. In addition, your earnings would also subject a portion of your Social Security benefits to taxation..The law, however, also shifts the entire beneficiary share of Part B premium costs to the remaining 30% of individuals who are not protected by the hold harmless provision. An estimated 16 million people will take a financial hit from spiking Part B premiums unless Congress takes action. They include:

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There is a warm can of soda sitting on the window ledge..Upon introducing the bill, Sen. Brown said, "For many Americans, Social Security benefits are the foundation of their retirement security. But many of our public sector workers like teachers and first-responders have seen their benefits reduced for years because of unfair laws that target them … These workers have taught our children and kept our communities safe. It's time they receive equal treatment under Social Security law.".TSCL understands that some changes to Medicare may be necessary to secure the long-term future of the program. However, we strongly believe that any changes should be phased in gradually and should not affect those nearing retirement. In addition, TSCL believes that the government must increase its efforts to combat Medicare fraud a growing issue that costs between billion and billion each year. … Continued

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Sound like we're headed for a vicious cycle? The sheer paralysis that lawmakers have contended with in responding to our current sluggish economy over the past two years is an early warning that we are nearing the edge. Even so there are still some who brush off anxiety over Social Security's financing by saying "Social Security is an easy fix.".There's an old saying: "Laws are like sausages; it is better not to see them being made.".Seniors deserve a Washington that works for them, and every American should be able to retire and live with dignity. I'm committed to doing everything I can in the Senate to ensure that happens. … Continued

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