Seniors like your husband who are 65 and older, and enrolled in Medicare, are not affected by the new health insurance coverage requirements that become effective January 1, 201But big changes are coming to health insurance coverage for about 62 million seniors age 50 through 64 who are not yet enrolled in Medicare.."The measure would generally limit surprise billing in the following circumstances:.Consumer price index data show that the rate of inflation has changed significantly over the past decade, and has yet to return to the average rate during the decade prior to the 2010 Great Recession. From 1999 to 2008, COLAs averaged 3%. Since 2010, however, the COLA, which is tied to the increase in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, has averaged just 1.4%. Since that year, inflation has been so low that there was no COLA payable three times - in 2010, 2011, and 201In 2017, inflation was almost zero at just 0.3 percentage point. This is not normal, and research on the costs experienced by older Americans indicates the COLA often doesn't reflect inflation that retirees actually experience..For information on upcoming town hall meetings, click HERE. For updates on the progress of the BCRA in the coming days, follow TSCL on Twitter or visit the Legislative News section of our website..The fate of President Obama's controversial executive action on immigration remains tied up in court. Texas and 25 other states, supported by TSCL, 12 other groups, and 113 Members of Congress are challenging the legality of Obama's actions. TSCL and the others argue in an amicus curiae brief, that "the President acted contrary to both the express and implied will of Congress.".One new cosponsor also signed on to Rep. Allyson Schwartz's Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act this week, bringing the total up to thirty-one. The new cosponsor is Rep. Tom Latham. If signed into law, Rep. Schwartz's bill would repeal and replace the faulty formula that is used to determine reimbursements for doctors who treat Medicare patients. The current formula breeds uncertainty within the program, and H.R. 574 would establish much-needed stability..Visit the customer service desk and request a refund of the overcharge. If you paid by credit card, make sure you have the card with you for a credit. This may resolve the problem. If it doesn't, contact your drug plan, tell them the problem, and request forms to file for claim reimbursement..This week, TSCL announced its support for the Seniors and Veterans Emergency Benefits Act, which was introduced by Congressman Alan Grayson as a companion bill to Senator Elizabeth Warren's S. 2251..Almost all of my income is from Social Security. I have some limited savings, and I own my home. I'm having trouble affording my Medicare premiums and out-of-pocket costs, but I don't think I qualify for Medicaid. Are there any programs that may help?

Local Study May Keep More Hearts Beating

Due to a loop hole in Social Security law, the pending controversial Totalization Agreement, signed in June 2004, would allow millions of Mexican workers, and dependents on their accounts, to become entitled to Social Security benefits that include credit for earnings received while working illegally. If allowed to take effect, TSCL believes hundreds of billions in Social Security benefits are at stake..We should also ensure senior citizens are getting an accurate cost of living adjustment. The model the government is using right now would be fine if seniors were regularly buying iPods and laptop computers. But that's just not the case. I've proposed a better way to calculate the COLA based on items seniors actually use, such as food, housing, gasoline, healthcare and prescription drugs..That subject is the coronavirus flu. We wrote a little about it last week, but we still have questions and concerns and we think you probably do, also. Let's start by pointing out the following: even the world's top infectious-disease specialists still aren't sure how lethal a threat the coronavirus presents. … Continued

State Indicator State Smoking Bans

Learn the full cost and coverage for every drug you take: If you take more than 6 worth of prescription drugs a month, you're at risk of hitting the doughnut hole at some point during the year. The 6 is based on the full retail cost, that is what you and your drug plan pay, not your co-pays. Part D plan enrollees have an initial coverage limit of ,840 in total drug costs in 201You can learn the full cost of your drugs and whether your plan covers all your prescriptions using the drug using the Medicare Drug Plan Finder at.."Hospitals Struggle to Restart Lucrative Care After Coronavirus Shutdowns," Reed Abelson, The New York Times, May 17, 2020..They believe we should consider increasing future Social Security benefits. … Continued

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