In 2020, the Social Security Trust Fund received far less in revenues than expected, due to three reasons:.Leaders in Congress seem optimistic that they will reach a deal in the coming days. In a brief with the Republican Conference on Thursday morning, House Speaker Paul Ryan said, "I believe we will successfully complete the negotiations. We're not going to rush it. We're going to get it right.".For seniors - many of whom are on fixed incomes - these skyrocketing prices are unsustainable. Astronomical drug prices are forcing seniors to make daily choices between the medication they need to stay healthy and other necessities such as food, transportation, and housing costs. This is unacceptable..View the TSCL home page to participate in TSCL's monthly polls..Changes in health. Chronic conditions like diabetes, pulmonary disease, dementia, and others, worsen over time. People with those conditions need increasing help. A sudden hospitalization could be life threatening if she has no one to care for her when she comes home..Currently the SSA uses all earnings to determine entitlement to benefits, including the earnings for jobs worked illegally. The majority of seniors responding to TSCL surveys on the topic believe that noncitizens should not be allowed to receive Social Security based on illegal work. TSCL agrees. Social Security benefits are determined on earnings and work history, regardless of whether taxes were paid or not. Because those earnings are held by Social Security in an Earnings Suspense file, non-citizens could at some point gain access to benefits based on illegal earnings. TSCL strongly supports legislation that would ban the payment of Social Security based on unauthorized work..Use Retirement Savings or Start Social Security Early to Cover Large Medical Expenses?.TSCL enthusiastically supports the Audiology Patient Choice Act and the Seniors Have Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act, and we look forward to working with their sponsors in the House and Senate to help build support for them. For more information, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website. For progress updates, follow TSCL on Twitter..Expanded coverage of preventive services. The healthcare law expanded coverage of screenings for colon, prostate, breast cancer and other preventive services, which are now free if you follow Medicare's recommended frequency for getting the tests. Medicare will also pay for an annual wellness visit to the doctor.

State Indicator Total Medicaid Mco Enrollment

New Bill Would Expand Medicare Coverage.In making the 1977 changes, Congress, wanting to avoid an abrupt change, allowed persons born from 1917 through 1921 to use a special transitional benefit formula or the new 1977 formula, whichever would yield the higher of the two benefits. The transition benefit formula never delivered the promised benefit protection, however, because it did not yield a higher benefit amount. Instead, the new benefit formula most often yielded the higher amount.."Importation of Drugs into the United States From Canada," Nigel S. B. Rawson, PhD, Louise Bender LLD, CMAJ, June 19, 2017 posted on the National Institute of Health website. "Florida Wants to Import Medicine From Canada. But How Would That Work?" Selena Simmons Duffin, NPR, June 18, 2019. … Continued

Redistricting Redistricting Commission Bills

The disability program has been redeeming the assets, or IOUs, held in the DI trust fund for several years and is projected to become totally insolvent in 201Upon insolvency, legislation would be required if the DI trust fund were to borrow money in order to pay benefits, even if the money is borrowed from the OASI trust fund. The two funds have borrowed from each other in the past. During the 1980's, the OASI trust fund borrowed from the DI trust fund and the money was later repaid. However, in 2018 the OASI trust fund will be facing its own financial problems..This week, The Senior Citizens League's legislative team met with several Members of Congress and their top staff to discuss key issues affecting seniors. In addition, the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee held a hearing on the Medicare physician reimbursement system, and TSCL saw support grow for two key pieces of legislation.."The current relationship between many doctors and drug companies is a conflict of interest," McCaskill says. "It's leaving the best interest of patients behind, and we have to do something to fix it." … Continued

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