By Representative Charlie Wilson.For more information about your retirement age, and to use retirement calculator tools visit..The report's most critical finding was that Social Security's Disability Insurance trust fund remains in serious financial trouble. It is projected to become insolvent in 2016, and if Congress fails to take action, beneficiaries will see a 19 percent benefit cut next December. For the average disabled enrollee, that would amount to almost 0 less in monthly benefits. Each of the six Trustees urged lawmakers to reallocate the payroll tax immediately to address the program's insolvency, and to begin considering long-term solutions that will strengthen both of Social Security's trust funds..How Do I Know When It's Time For Assisted Living If I Live Alone?.Editor's note: We regret the passing of Representative Elijah E. Cummings, who died October 17, 201He will be remembered for many things, including his stand on cutting high healthcare costs for American families..There's power in numbers. If you're concerned about your Social Security benefits, share this information with others and encourage them to visit the TSCL website to learn more. To learn how much COLA cuts might cost you, try the TSCL Chained COLA calculator..TSCL would like to thank the following for taking time out of their busy schedules to discuss issues of critical importance to seniors: Rep. Bill Posey, Rep. Joe Wilson, Rep. Mike Coffman, Sen. Marco Rubio, Cathy Hurwit ), Lauren Lattany to Rep. David Scott ), and J.R. Sanchez..Nevertheless, Senate Leader Harry Reid recently went as far as to imply that people like me are lying, saying that "There are plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue, but they're being told all over America." But I'm not making this up. I take this information directly from the government's own website.."Even under limited immigration reform that provides only work authorization and a valid Social Security number, immigrants would become entitled to Social Security benefits," Cates says. "Citizenship is not a requirement to receive benefits," he adds. But with Congress and President Obama debating cuts to Social Security, seniors are lining up against reform that would allow millions of new immigrants to benefit from work under fraudulent numbers. A recent TSCL survey found that 87 percent of seniors strongly favor prohibiting payment of Social Security benefits that are based on earnings from unauthorized work. TSCL supports immigration reform measures that would prohibit earnings from work prior to gaining legal authorization for use in determining Social Security benefits.

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consider policies from companies that sell long-term insurance plans in.Also, TSCL plans to be on the Hill next week visiting with the staffs of Republican Senators to find out where they are with regard to health care legislation, and in particular the Grassley-Wyden bill..Alexandria, VA - Millions of the nation's oldest and poorest senior citizens would be compensated for the lower Social Security benefit they've received for more than 30 years under proposed bipartisan legislation. Introduced in the U.S. House by Representative Mike McIntyre, and in the Senate by Senator David Vitter, the bill is supported by The Senior Citizens League, one of the nation's largest nonpartisan senior citizens advocacy groups. … Continued

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He noted that a vaccine's rarer side effects are often not recognized until it is put into broad use. To discover an adverse outcome that only occurs in one person in 100,000, for instance, a company would need to test it in 384,250 people from broad backgrounds and with a variety of medical conditions..The president exercised special powers of the White House - instructions called "executive action" - that can have the binding force of law but do not require Congressional approval. While presidents in the past have exercised executive powers to make immigration changes, the sweeping scale of President Obama's actions far surpassed that of presidents before him. The actions come after Congress reached an impasse on passing immigration reform legislation last year..TSCL is working with Members of Congress for enactment of legislation in both the House and Senate that would require Medicare to negotiate drug prices on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries. Recently TSCL launched a nationwide grassroots effort to urging Americans to contact Members of Congress to protest how big drug companies are getting away with steep prices on drugs, and to urge them to enact legislation that would make Medicare responsible for negotiating drug prices. Join the effort, sign our petition! … Continued

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