plans with similar coverage caps or the maximum amount that the plans will pay..The 2020 Medicare Trustees report recently estimated that the Hospital Insurance Trust fund will become depleted in six more years - 202"But the high level of hospitalizations due to the coronavirus for seriously ill Medicare patients may shorten the life expectancy of the Medicare Trust Fund," Johnson says..Take a Monthly Poll!.Medicare Advantage plans are popular in many areas of the country for low, monthly premiums, having an annual out-of-pocket maximum, and for offering supplemental benefits not currently covered by Medicare, such as dental and vision coverage. Most Medicare Advantage plans also provide prescription drug benefits..housemate with whom you can share expenses. Some couples living in older homes.It is possible there could also be another emergency spending bill or, as we reported above, even a full-blown stimulus to try and keep the economy going..TSCL's opposition to any Payroll tax cut stems in part from previous comments from some Congressional leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell In the past he has said:.The Senior Citizens League applauds the work and dedication of both of these committees to helping the millions of people affected by opioid addiction many of whom are older Americans. For frequent updates on the progress of these and other congressional committees, visit our Legislative News ​page every Friday..The bill caps the.Benefit Bulletin: September 2020 Low-Income Health Programs, Working and Laid Off Workers Take the Biggest Hit When Medicare Part B Premiums Spike

Hospital Overview Walking Paths

The stakes are high for retirees, who want Congressional action. Eighty eight percent of those of you who took our 2021 Senior Survey want Congress to reduce prescription drug costs by allowing Medicare to negotiate prices. Congressional inaction would cost all of us dearly, if lawmakers fail to take action to boost Social Security benefits and enact reforms that would strengthen Social Security's financing for decades to come..Low inflation is often blamed on the economic recession and slow recovery, but there are other factors. Unbeknownst to most of the public, the federal government has quietly made numerous changes to the methodology used for the nation's inflation measurement - the consumer price index. Politicians claim the changes make the CPI more accurate, but virtually all of the changes since the 1980's have lowered the measured rate of inflation and reduced the growth of Social Security benefits..Senator Bernie Sanders introduced S. 99 on January 10, 201It has since been referred to the Committee on Finance. … Continued

Legislative Staff Coordinating Committee Legislative Careers

Under a restricted application, however, you could take just one or the other of the two benefits at 66, and then allow the other benefit to grow at 8% per year, until age 70. For example, depending on how much your own retirement benefit would be, you might file a restricted application for your own retirement benefit, and then let your larger spouse benefit grow to the maximum, switching to it at age 70. Or, if by allowing your own retirement benefit to grow would yield a higher benefit, you could instead file a restricted application for just the ex- spouse benefit at 66, and then switch to your own higher benefit at age 70. You will need professional help to make this determination. The extra money you receive using this strategy accumulates over a typical retirement, and can mean a significantly higher benefit when you are older and need it the most..Finally, some Good News.The letter you received from Social Security should indicate a deadline for your response. If you have missed the deadline, act quickly and contact Social Security requesting an extension. You may indeed learn there is an error and be able to correct the amount of money to be withheld. In addition, when you check your earnings record, you may need to contest earnings that don't belong to you. … Continued

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