One of the amendments would cut off funding for all of the immigration orders that President Obama has put forth since 2011, including the November order that lifts the threat of deportation for as many as 5 million illegal immigrants. Another amendment would stop the implementation of the Deferred Action for Children Arrivals Program, which currently allows illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children to obtain temporary work permits..Unrealistic Cost-of-Living-Adjustments : COLAs are already inadequate: Seniors have lost almost one-third of their buying power since 2000, according to a recent TSCL study. In that period, COLAs increased just 31 percent, while typical senior expenses jumped 73 percent, more than twice as fast. There is talk of using a "chained" CPI to calculate COLAs. But the spending patterns assumed by the "chained" CPI don't apply as well to seniors, who spend a larger percentage of their income on necessities that aren't as conducive to substitution. Billed as a mere "technical correction," a TSCL analysis shows that using a "chained" CPI to calculate COLAs would in fact slash payments by more than ,000 over a 25-year retirement. Read more here and here..The good news is that key members of Congress now say they will push for surprise billing legislation to be part of the next bill that deals with the coronavirus emergency..Just hours after the trustees released their annual reports on Wednesday, members of the House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee met with Chief Actuary Stephen Goss to discuss the findings. Many of those present at the hearing expressed their commitment to addressing the program's funding shortfall. Chairman Sam Johnson said, "The longer we wait, the tougher it will get to fix Social Security. So the sooner we act the better." Chief Actuary Goss agreed, saying: "The trustees have consistently advised that enacting changes soon, even if with delayed effective dates, will allow more options to be considered, more advance warning for those affected, and a more gradual phase-in of adjustments.".Re.On Wednesday, Marilyn Tavenner, acting Administrator of CMS since 2011, was confirmed by the Senate with an overwhelming vote of ninety-one to seven. She is the first CMS Administrator to be confirmed by the legislative body in over nine years, but her confirmation did not come easily. Earlier this year, two Senators placed holds on her confirmation, delaying the process significantly.."Protecting the integrity of the Social Security program for current and future retirees is critical to our members and supporters," Hyland said. "As such, TSCL salutes you for introducing an amendment to S. 744 that would prohibit unauthorized workers from receiving Social Security benefits based on work completed illegally, with stolen or fraudulent Social Security numbers… we believe your amendment would improve the program's long-term solvency and prevent an unspecified and unnecessary strain on the Trust Fund.".The confirmation of Marilyn Tavenner marks a major milestone for CMS, and like those Senators who voted in her favor, TSCL is hopeful that her leadership will provide the Medicare program with increased stability..One of the Biggest Financial Mistakes You Can Make In Retirement

State Of State Legislatures 2021 Oas Episode 117

Introduced by Reps. Linda Sanchez and Tom Reed, the bill would provide up to ,000 in a family caregiver tax credit. Expenses like groceries, modifications to a home, transportation to a doctors' visits, or hiring someone to look after an elderly patient or disabled child would qualify for the credit. "A caregiving credit would be a much needed help," says Susan. "It would benefit me and benefit a lot of other older families that I work with," she says..Social Security Notch Reform Working towards benefit equality for older Americans..If signed into law, the bill would repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset two provisions of the Social Security Act that cut the earned benefits of millions of teachers, firefighters, police officers, and other public servants each year. Because these individuals receive pensions from their state or local governments, their monthly Social Security checks are arbitrarily reduced, often by one-half or more. … Continued

Medicaid Issue Brief A First Look At North Carolinas Section 1115 Medicaid Waivers Healthy Opportunities Pilots

The report also states that "House leaders have said they're committed to moving forward on H.R. 3, citing polls showing strong bipartisan support for empowering Medicare to negotiate drug prices. House Democratic leaders still see the infrastructure package as their best chance of passing major drug reforms, despite concerns raised by the moderate members, a senior aide said..This question is signficant in light of proposals to.Will Widows Of Notch Babies Be Included Under Notch Reform? “My husband passed away September 5, 200What will happen to his lump-sum if they ever decide to pass Notch Reform? What would happen to my lump-sum if I should die now? Would my daughter get it? It seems they are waiting for us all to die.”.President Obama recently announced a series of Executive Actions to protect an estimated 4.9 million illegal immigrants from deportation. This month the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service is expected to start taking applications as hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants begin to apply for deportation relief, work authorization, and Social Security numbers. … Continued

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