Minneapolis Heart Institute Programs And ServicesThe continuing resolution will give appropriators in the House and Senate five extra days until Wednesday, December 16th to work out the final details of the omnibus. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn told reporters on Thursday, "There are a few outstanding issues that have not yet been resolved." However, he said he's hopeful that the omnibus will be filed on Monday after a weekend of negotiations..Cook big batches of soups, stews and casseroles, and freeze extrMake big batches of soups, stews and casseroles, then freeze servings for one or two. All use less expensive cuts of meats, poultry, and fish. Many can be stretched and made all the more delicious with the addition of vegetables and cooked dry beans. Save the most by making your own stocks, rather than buying the heavily sodium-laden variety off the shelf. A simple stock or stew base requires only carrots, onion, and celery, perhaps some garlic, water, and a small amount of salt. Try growing your own parsley and thyme to add year round. Recycle yogurt, cottage cheese and other small plastic containers for freezer containers. Mark with contents and date..One option recently recommended by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission would repeal the SGR and encourage physicians to join two-sided risk accountable care organizations. Doctors participating in ACOs voluntarily group with hospitals and other providers to lower costs and better coordinate care. Pilot ACOs that are currently operating only see rewards for delivering high-quality, low-cost care. Those in two-sided risk ACOs, however, would also be penalized for providing low-quality, high-cost care. According to MedPAC, substantial savings would result, but many are still skeptical about the potential of ACOs. … Continued
The Canvass October 2021637668734Senate Committee Debates Future of ACA.This week, lawmakers continued working towards an omnibus spending bill to fund the federal government through the remainder of the fiscal year..Recently we received the following example: … Continued