So, does your support for TSCL. We depend on you and each of our supporters to keep us in this fight. We receive no financial support from corporations or the government..By Jessie Gibbons, Senior Policy Analyst.Increasing life expectancy, longer retirements, and an increase in the number of retirees all mean that a larger share of the population will be utilizing health services and receiving benefits from Medicare. DCW jobs are currently among the fastest-growing occupations in the country, though their training programs and earnings fail to reflect their incredibly important roles. A recent report by the Brookings Institute found that personal care aides, and nursing, psychiatric and home health aides have median earnings of ,000 and ,000 respectively..Even the Committee For a Responsible Federal Budget, which proposes the change, suggests that lower-income people could be especially vulnerable under the proposal. The organization is recommending that Congress dedicate about billion in savings from lower spending on COLAs to "enhance various benefits for low-income individuals" saying "while chained CPI is the most accurate measure of inflation, it could result in some undesirable distributional consequences.".What can I do?.Take a Monthly Poll!.Extra Help pays for your Part D plan premium, up to a specific amount, based on your state..The BPC released its own estimate of the impacts of a coronavirus recession on Social Security, projecting that it would accelerate the depletion of the trust fund from 2035 to 202Without any changes, a depletion of the Social Security trust fund would trigger program wide benefit cuts of 23%, as benefits adjust to the level of revenues still received by the program..The change looks so small. I've read that it would cut benefits just.03 of a percentage point.

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For progress updates or for more information about these and other bills that would strengthen Social Security and Medicare programs, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website or follow TSCL on Twitter.check-ups. Often, it's insidiously hard to tell whether a problem really is.In addition, The Senior Citizens League believes that an extension of the tax holiday could make a permanent cut more likely, further jeopardizing the program's ability to fully pay Social Security benefits in the future. … Continued

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plans with similar coverage caps or the maximum amount that the plans will pay..On Friday, lawmakers in the House and Senate prepared to return to their home states and districts for a week-long recess. They are scheduled to be back in Washington on Monday, May 7th. In the meantime, many Members of Congress will be attending local events and hosting town hall meetings..You would be FAR better off waiting until after you turn 66 to start benefits at your full retirement age. After reaching full retirement age, you can receive benefits and earn as much as you want with no reduction to your benefits. … Continued

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