Take The TSCL Senior Survey!.For years, TSCL has been advocating on Capitol Hill for a more fair and accurate Social Security COLA for beneficiaries. The Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act legislation introduced by Rep. Michael Honda is a common-sense solution that would better protect the purchasing power of Social Security benefits since it would use a more accurate measure of inflation..Take a complete list of all your prescriptions, vitamins, and supplements with you on your next visit to the doctor. Note the dosage and the quantity you use monthly. Find out whether you still need to take them all, and if there's a less-expensive brand name or generic you can try before settling on new expensive brand meds..But in 2020 COVID-19 dramatically proved Flo wrong. It took the pandemic to demonstrate what our nation can achieve when our government gets into the medicine cabinet and "partners" with drug manufacturers. We witnessed the record setting development and production of not just of one, but multiple, life-saving new vaccines from several pharmaceutical manufacturers..According to a recent nation-wide survey conducted by The Senior Citizens League, almost one-third of older taxpayers, 30 percent, say they itemize deductions for healthcare costs, and about 56 percent say that a portion of their Social Security benefits are taxable. "Taxpayers who may be postponing needed medical or dental services, getting glasses, or filling expensive prescriptions may want to consider doing so before the end of the year, in order to maximum the medical expense deduction in 2018," Johnson says..The president exercised special powers of the White House - instructions called "executive action" - that can have the binding force of law but do not require Congressional approval. While presidents in the past have exercised executive powers to make immigration changes, the sweeping scale of President Obama's actions far surpassed that of presidents before him. The actions come after Congress reached an impasse on passing immigration reform legislation last year..In 2012, the GPO reduced the Social Security benefits of nearly 600,000 surviving spouses, who also collect a government pensions, by nearly two-thirds. Nine out of 10 public employees affected by the GPO lost their entire spousal benefit, even though their spouse paid Social Security taxes..THREE PROPOSALS WE OPPOSE:.The Meals on Wheels Association estimates that could mean 19 million fewer meals will be served. According to a Meals on Wheels survey, 70% of programs are cutting the number of meals served, 50% are reducing the number of seniors being served, and one-in-six are closing community center meal sites, or home-delivered programs.

News Summary Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Fy19 State And Foreign Operations Sfops Appropriations Bill

Get the Seasonal Flu Vaccine but Not Just Yet.Fresh is not always more healthful than frozen. From the moment fruits and vegetables are harvested, they begin to lose nutrients. Fruits and vegetables grown in North America may spend up to 5 days in transit before arriving at a distribution center, and another 1-3 days on display prior to purchase. Consumers may keep their produce for up to 7 days prior to consumption. Consequently, fresh produce can lose a considerable amount of nutrients before consumption. A University of California study found, for example, that vitamin C losses in vegetables stored 7 days range from 15% for green peas, to 77% for green beans. Unless you are harvesting and consuming your own home grown fruits and vegetables within a few hours of picking, frozen choices may be just as high in nutrients..Under current law, workers earning more than 0,100 today pay no Social Security taxes on their earnings over that amount. A major proposal to extend the solvency of Social Security would increase or completely eliminate the taxable maximum. What is your position? … Continued

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At a time when our country faces a real and growing retirement crisis, it is more important than ever that we take steps to protect and expand Social Security. Yet today, Social Security remains under attack. Republicans in Washington are doing everything they can to privatize and cut benefits for millions of seniors who rely on Social Security to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads..Many of you will no doubt remember that we used to celebrate both Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays separately. In 1968 Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which moved several federal holidays to Mondays..TSCL's annual Senior Surveys indicate that roughly 56% of retiree households pay tax on a portion of their Social Security benefits. About the same number support reducing the taxation of Social Security benefits by lifting the threshold for taxation of Social Security benefits from ,000 to ,000 for single filers and from ,000 to 0,000 for joint filers. … Continued

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