TSCL would like to thank Reps. Allen West, Madeleine Bordallo, Cedric Richmond, Tom Marino, and Bill Posey for taking the time to discuss the issues that are most important to our members and supporters. TSCL also met with Anna Gonzalez, Rules Associate for Rep. Alcee Hastings, and Brett Richards, Legislative Assistant to Rep. Steven Palazzo..Wilson Disease can cause organ or cognitive failure. Because no equivalent for Syprine exists, Heyman was forced to try an alternative treatment, Galzin, which costs her about 0 per year. Heyman said the change was made only under duress, because it does not remove the fatal build - up of copper in her system - just absorbs it - and the long - term consequences of the switch are still unknown..Three Key Bills Gain Support.Now Medicare Part A is facing insolvency once again, this time around 202Health policy experts are now proposing that the revenues raised by the 3.8% net investment income tax should be "re-directed" to the Part A Trust Fund rather than the federal government's general revenue..When the Social Security Administration receives wage reports from employers with Social Security numbers and names that don't match those on file, the reports go into an Earnings Suspense File until they can be reconciled with the rightful owner. That can occur years later when an application for benefits is received. Over the past ten years for which data is available the Social Security Administration has received on average, more than 9.5 million suspicious wage reports annually representing more than billion per year in wages. It's wages, not the amount of taxes paid that are used to determine benefits..This week, the partial federal government shutdown continued for the fifth week, and The Senior Citizens League announced its support for one new bill that would expand Medicare coverage to include essential health services..Deaths related to COVID-19 were higher among American Indian and Alaskan Native persons, Hispanics, Blacks and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander persons than whites. Among nearly all these ethnic and racial minority groups, the COVID-19 related deaths were more than double the death rate of non-Hispanic white persons..Johnson compared the lowest and highest cost between drug plans for a list of 12 frequently - prescribed drugs. The list includes commonly prescribed brand name and specialty drugs, as well as two widely - used generics. The analysis found:.TSCL's report entitled "The Cost of Illegal Earnings Under Totalization With Mexico" examines three ways illegal Mexican workers could become entitled to benefits under an agreement with Mexico. The report concludes, "responsible, comprehensive cost estimates of the totalization agreement with Mexico simply cannot afford to ignore the very large and significant cost of benefits based on illegal, unauthorized work. Doing so results in highly misleading and incomplete estimates that would jeopardize the future solvency of Social Security, leading to benefit cuts and higher taxes."

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CBO Scores BCRA, Leaders Postpone Vote.Nearly 1.5 million public servants are currently affected by the WEP because they have earned pensions from their state or local government, but have also paid into Social Security through previous or secondary employment. Their earned Social Security benefits are often reduced by as much as 40 percent. In addition, the GPO affects public servants who are entitled to Social Security spousal or survivors benefits based on the work history of a husband or wife. Nine out of ten times, the benefits to which they are entitled are eliminated altogether..best cash advance loan companies … Continued

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that a new prescription is your best option, check your drug plan coverage and."The world's biggest drug makers and their trade groups have cut checks to 356 lawmakers ahead of this year's election - more than two-thirds of the sitting members of Congress, according to a new STAT analysis..What TSCL does is try to hold elected officials accountable, not just in an election year, but when there is not an election. With your continued support, we will do just that. … Continued

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