You need skilled nursing services, and/or skilled therapy care on an intermittent basis..visiting the government's National Clearinghouse for Long Term Care Information.According to the Administration on Aging, almost half of older women, age 75+ live alone. While transition to assisted living is a complex decision for which there are no simple or quick answers, your friend would be wise to start making plans now while she is able to think the issues through. Planning now will allow for unpressured time to research living options, financial costs, and locating the supports she may need to live independently..In April, more than 150 House lawmakers proposed a budget blueprint that would have reformed the Medicare program and cut Social Security benefits by adopting the "chained" CPI, eliminating the COLA for some seniors, and raising the eligibility age. Did you support this budget blueprint, and if so, why?.House Passes first FY 2021 funding bills.Why is this important for TSCL supporters?.And the order that directs clinics that qualify for steep pharmaceutical discounts under a government program for low-income patients to pass savings on insulin and EpiPens directly to those patients only applies to about 1,000 community health centers, not to hospitals that are frequently flagged as diverting the discounts away from patients toward other programs..Petition to Congress: A Fair Cost of Living Adjustment for Social Security Benefits.Prices for and Spending on Specialty Drugs in Medicare Part D and Medicaid, Congressional Budget Office, March 2019.

Ncsl In Dc Publications And Resources Capitol To Capitol Aug 17 2020

As the Affordable Care Act continues its scheduled implementation, many seniors will begin to see small changes in Medicare coverage and tax rates. A few modifications have already taken effect this year, including new federal subsidies that will lower the cost seniors pay for prescriptions filled in the "donut hole." There's also an increased threshold for itemized deductions of medical expenses, and Medicare tax increases for some with investment income..In September, federal agents announced the arrests of 35 people linked to a huge genetic testing scam. Individuals charged are accused of billing Medicare for more than .1 billion worth of phony genetic tests. The crackdown included telemedicine companies, doctors, and labs which worked in an elaborate scheme that preyed on people's fears of having genetic markers for cancer..Congress should enact legislation that would prohibit the use of work credits based on unauthorized earnings from being used to determine entitlement for Social Security benefits. … Continued

State Indicator Distribution Of Osteopathic Medical School Graduates By Race Ethnicity

According to a report in BGov News, "… younger seniors have shown a greater appetite for vaccines than their older peers. Initially, the opposite was true, as governments sent inoculation teams into nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. Recently, the numbers have flipped, adding support to the idea that some elderly residents -- especially those outside structured-living arrangements -- are simply having trouble navigating the system.".And remember, there is no plan anywhere on how to shore up Social Security, even if the Payroll tax deferment is not made permanent..But according to a report in Politco last week, "… the administration's Medicare team has put together a revised plan - which was circulated inside the administration on Tuesday, with instructions to expedite approval - to start sending letters to 39 million beneficiaries within the next week, touting the drug-discount cards. The cards would then arrive across December and January, according to four officials with knowledge of the plan." … Continued

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