The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is expected to appear on the House floor for a vote by November 16th the day before lawmakers adjourn for an eleven-day holiday recess. In the meantime, Republicans in the Senate are working on their own version that would likely keep the medical expense deduction intact. At the time of writing this week's update, the text of the bill had not yet been released, but a conceptual draft from the Senate Finance Committee is expected before Friday, November 10th..The current Social Security system is like "longevity" insurance. Workers pay into the system through payroll tax withholdings up to the taxable limit on earnings. In return, retirees, and dependents on their account, receive monthly income when they claim benefits. According to projections by Johnson, an age - 66 retiree, who claims benefits in 2017 with an average benefit of ,300 a month, can expect to receive roughly 0,000 over the course of a 25- year retirement, assuming a 2.2 percent annual cost-of-living adjustment..What you can do: Send a letter, email or fax to your Senators and Representative..Medicare counseling: Counselors provide free one-on-one assistance to help you and your mom understand what Medicare covers, and other insurances, such as Medicare supplements and Part D plans, and Medicare Advantage. In addition, you can get information about the limitations of Medicare coverage of long-term care. A counselor may be able to explain the requirements to help you determine if your Mom would qualify for Medicare Savings Programs or Medicaid..The plan released this week is not expected to be adopted or even to win any bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. However, it does mark the start of the fiscal 2016 budget negotiations, and it lays out the line-by-line needs of the federal agencies for appropriators. Soon, the House and Senate Budget Committees will release their own spending blueprints for fiscal 2016, and TSCL expects to see proposals that would dramatically alter the Social Security and Medicare programs. We will keep a close eye on the negotiations as they evolve, and will post updates here in the Legislative News section of our website.."Protecting the integrity of the Social Security program for current and future retirees is critical to our members and supporters," Hyland said. "As such, TSCL salutes you for introducing an amendment to S. 744 that would prohibit unauthorized workers from receiving Social Security benefits based on work completed illegally, with stolen or fraudulent Social Security numbers… we believe your amendment would improve the program's long-term solvency and prevent an unspecified and unnecessary strain on the Trust Fund.".Spanberger Bill Aims to Shed Light on Prescription Drug Pricing.What do you think of options to fix the pending insolvency of Social Security's disability program? Take a poll. Visit TSCL's website at..If Congress could not reach an agreement to borrow money, Social Security and Medicare benefits would be cut when payroll tax revenues run out as they inevitably would.

Blog Labor And Employment 3

At my urging, she returned to her doctor and was given a new brand prescription.Sound like we're headed for a vicious cycle? The sheer paralysis that lawmakers have contended with in responding to our current sluggish economy over the past two years is an early warning that we are nearing the edge. Even so there are still some who brush off anxiety over Social Security's financing by saying "Social Security is an easy fix.".According to the new Medicare Trustee Report released in April of this year, Medicare Part B premiums for 2020 are expected to rise .80 from 5.50 to 4.30 in 2020. That would swallow the entire COLA of Social Security recipients with benefits of about 5 or less. According to Social Security data, roughly 4 million low benefit Social Security recipients could be at risk of seeing no growth in their net Social Security benefit due to rising Part B premiums. … Continued

Health Time Is Right To Examine Delivery Of Long Term Services And Supports Magazine2020

Members of Congress may lose an election but unlike other Americans, they never lose their retirement and health benefits. A Member of the House or Senate who retires at age 60 after just 12 years in office will receive a Congressional pension of ,000 a year and lifetime benefits that could total more than 0,000.Notch Bulletin: How Long Have Notch Babies Been Underpaid? I was born during the Notch period. I would like to know how long Notch Babies have been underpaid. In addition could you tell me if the underpayment has been corrected and if we are receiving the right amount now? - M.R. Fort Cobb, OK.Earlier this year President Biden signed an Executive Order to secure America's critical supply chains. The Executive Order directed the Administration to launch an immediate 100-day review and strategy development process to identify and address vulnerabilities in the supply chains of four key product sectors, including pharmaceuticals.Social Security can be changed in two ways - but benefit cuts don't have to be inevitable. Increasing payroll taxes is the other avenue. … Continued

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