On Monday, President Obama's November immigration orders which TSCL's members and supporters overwhelmingly oppose according to recent poll results were temporarily halted by U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen of Texas. Judge Hanen did not rule on the legality of the President's orders on Tuesday the lawsuit is expected to take many months to complete. Instead, he issued a 123-page temporary injunction on the grounds that President Obama's orders did not go through the proper procedures, which require public notices and comment periods. Judge Hanen wrote: "This is not the end of the inquiry; in fact, in this case, it is really the tip of the iceberg.".When left untreated, these conditions often cause serious health complications and injuries. But when treated successfully, the result is improved overall health and lower costs for Medicare and patients. For example, Mary J. who lives near Charlottesville, Virginia recently told us she suffered for years with severe chronic pulmonary and gastric infections. After periodontitis was discovered and treated with oral surgery last year, her chronic cough and inflammatory symptoms cleared up completely. Since then, Mary has successfully gone without inhalers and frequent visits to her primary care physician, gastroenterologist, and pulmonologist, saving Medicare thousands of dollars..How Social Security Can Be Fixed Without Deep Cuts.TSCL Endorses New Legislation.This question is signficant in light of proposals to.Will Widows Of Notch Babies Be Included Under Notch Reform? “My husband passed away September 5, 200What will happen to his lump-sum if they ever decide to pass Notch Reform? What would happen to my lump-sum if I should die now? Would my daughter get it? It seems they are waiting for us all to die.”.TSCL is supportive of the President's efforts, but we are taking a wait-and-see approach because, as so many things are in Washington, D.C., the devil is in the details..chances are we may have a chronic health condition that requires regular.There's no doubt Democratic lawmakers would like to do these things because they campaigned on them last year and this would be the last chance to pass them this year. Because next year is an election year it is very unlikely any significant progress would be made then..The assertion that many lower - income beneficiaries would lose benefits due to higher COLAs simply isn't the case, but is rather another example of twisted partisan rhetoric. Voters would be far better served by lawmakers who are more focused on solving problems of the majority of people than spreading misinformation to protect the tax breaks of the nation's wealthiest workers.

Womens Health Policy Poll Finding Abortion Knowledge And Attitudes Kff Polling And Policy Insights View Footnotes

Shuffling doctors can heighten the risk of mishaps. A study of at least 2,200 older adults published in 2016 found that nearly 4 in 10 were taking at least five medications at the same time. Fifteen percent of them were at risk of drug-to-drug interaction..Congress has reallocated payroll taxes at least 9 times in the past to temporarily avert trust fund financing crises, according to the Congressional Research Service. "Doing so now would be much more difficult, because the retirement program is in cash deficit, and the government is borrowing money to cover retirement and survivor benefits," Cates points out. "Reallocation from the retirement trust fund would mean the government would have to borrow more, a recipe for more explosive debt limit show downs in coming months," he says. "The situation could put all Social Security benefits, including retirement and survivors benefits, at risk of cuts in debt limit negotiations," Cates explains..table-1 … Continued

Prevent Having The Talk Helping Older Relatives With Medications

Without action by Congress, the situation would also create inequities or a new "notch" in premium costs for new Medicare enrollees in 20New enrollees would be subject to paying the "unadjusted" Medicare premium while those who fall under "hold harmless" protection would continue to pay the adjusted .40 per month. An estimated 850,000 people would be affected in 2010 alone. Here's an example:.TSCL delivered letters to Congress this week urging lawmakers in the House and Senate to become cosponsors of the bill, and to sign it into law before the end of this year. For progress updates on the CPI-E Act, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website or follow TSCL on Twitter..The Democratic Platform … Continued

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