New research links "silent strokes," or small spots of dead brain cells, found in about one out of four older adults, to memory loss in the elderly. The study is published in the January 3, 2012, print issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology..He purchased it on his first trip to the dealership after receiving an offer in the mail of payments of a month. Instead of a payment that low, though, he wound up owing 0+ a month for five years. His auto loan charges 18% interest. My brother couldn't pass a credit check from a legitimate lender. He's had numerous problems with debt collectors over the years, although he and his wife still own their home with no mortgage now. Do you have any advice?.If signed into law, the Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act would amend the Social Security Act with regard to the annual cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security benefits. Currently, the COLA is based upon the spending patterns of young, urban workers using the CPI for Urban Wage Earners. This legislation would calculate the COLA based on the spending patterns of seniors by using the CPI-E..The Social Security Trust Fund is the single biggest government account to which the U.S. Treasury owes money, with obligations currently totaling about .8 trillion dollars. From the mid 1980s until 2010, the Social Security Trust Funds received more revenues than required to pay benefits. Under current law, when surplus revenues are received, the Treasury issues special bonds or I.O.Us to the Trust Funds and excess revenues are used for other government spending. The government is required by law to pay interest on those I.O.U bonds..Immigration Bill Approved by Senate Committee.To try to kill the novel coronavirus, some Americans are unsafely using disinfectants and cleaners, including washing food with bleach, using the products on bare skin, and inhaling and ingesting them, federal health officials reported Friday..Tell your leadership what is important to you - Sign a Petition.After repeated refusals over three and a half years, the federal government has released to TREA Senior Citizens League the first known public copy of the Social Security Totalization Agreement with Mexico. The Social Security Administration recently agreed to make the disclosure in response to a lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act by TSCL..Congress recently took action to head off a looming 19% cut in Social Security disability benefits received by nearly 10.8 million disabled adults and their dependents. The Social Security Disability Insurance trust fund was projected to run low of funds by the end of 2016, but changes contained in the recent debt limit budget deal include a number of provisions to strengthen program financing. Many of them had the support of TSCL.

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While you probably won't find any single professional who can provide you with all the answers you may need for your mom, most areas of the country have access to an Agency on Aging that can help put you in touch with a number of valuable resources and people who can answer your questions. Most agencies serve specific geographic areas of several neighboring counties, although some operate statewide in less populated states. All Area Agencies on Aging receive federal funding that is supplemented with additional state and local funding.."Americans Make Hard Choices on Social Security: A Survey With Trade-Off Analysis," National Academy of Social Insurance, October 2014..The 2020 Medicare Trustees report recently estimated that the Hospital Insurance Trust fund will become depleted in six more years - 202"But the high level of hospitalizations due to the coronavirus for seriously ill Medicare patients may shorten the life expectancy of the Medicare Trust Fund," Johnson says. … Continued

State Legislatures Magazine First Branch News Legislative Headlines Week Of April 12 2021 Magazine2021

Instead, they are banking on seniors losing the grit and determination that saw them build America into the greatest economic and military power the world has ever known, in order to tax more, spend more, borrow more, and leave us a diminished nation. The generation of my mother and father left me a nation of opportunity and freedom. I assure you, I am reminded of that legacy every day I am in Congress, and remain determined to leave my children, and your grandchildren, a stronger nation..Note the date and time of day of the call. Also note if you have a clear line or if the call sounds like it's coming from overseas. Does the person you are talking to have trouble with the language, have a heavy accent, etc.?.Expanded coverage of preventive services. The healthcare law expanded coverage of screenings for colon, prostate, breast cancer and other preventive services, which are now free if you follow Medicare's recommended frequency for getting the tests. Medicare will also pay for an annual wellness visit to the doctor. … Continued

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