Help! My Mentally Disabled Brother Was Target Of A Predatory Auto Loan! has plenty of money saving tips on pet supplies and vet care..Roughly half of all older taxpaying households paid income taxes on a portion of their Social Security benefits this year, even though many of them had incomes as low as ,000 or ,000 for married couples filing jointly. Those modest incomes are just two times higher than the federal poverty level. Do you believe this tax on Social Security benefits is fair and, if not, what are you doing to fix it?.Long Term Care Ombudsmen: Find information about long term care facilities in your area, and investigations of complaints if you've encountered a problem..The COLA isn't living up to the promise of protecting the buying power of your benefits, and retirees are getting short changed. We need to work together to enact legislation that will provide a more fair and adequate COLA. To learn how you can get involved visit:..Finally, some Good News.Finally, there is little support for the tax cut among senior citizens. The findings of TSCL's 2012 Senior Survey have indicated that nearly fifty–six percent of seniors disagree with the use of the payroll tax cut as a means to stimulate the economy. Among those surveyed, only twenty-five percent said they agree with the use of the tax holiday..The benefit that you are entitled to receive on your own work record is less than the benefit you would receive on your ex-spouse's work record..The other alternative will be a "continuing resolution," know as a "CR," something that has happened so many times before in recent history when Congress has not been able to get its work done on time.

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TSCL will be letting Congressional leaders know of our opposition to a payroll tax cut and we will continue to advocate both in opposition to any payroll tax cut, and also for a fairer and more accurate way of calculating what the COLA should be each year..Visit the customer service desk and request a refund of the overcharge. If you paid by credit card, make sure you have the card with you for a credit. This may resolve the problem. If it doesn't, contact your drug plan, tell them the problem, and request forms to file for claim reimbursement..benefits, your initial benefit amount will be 25% higher at your full … Continued

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According to the CBO report, the fiscal shortfall is largely due to the growth of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and interest payments as a share of the country's gross domestic product, while tax revenue stays relatively steady and spending for other programs drops..Social Security is a promise that the federal government has made to its citizens. It is a promise on which millions of Americans rely on, and one that needs to be there for them when they retire. I am proud to sponsor H.R. 141, and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in any capacity available, to ensure that we keep the promises we made to our public-sector employees..The Senior Citizens League encourages its supporters to attend these events and to ask important questions of their elected officials, like the following three… … Continued

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