Senate Confirms New CMS Administrator.Coronavirus may derail Senate plans for other legislation.This week, lawmakers remained in their home states and districts to finish the two-week spring recess..According to an analysis performed for TSCL, monthly benefits between 2009 and 2016 are 13% lower than they would have been if inflation had been closer to the more typical 3%. For the typical retiree with an average monthly benefit of ,117 in 2009, Social Security benefits are about 9 per month lower this year, according to the analysis. The analysis calculated that, since 2009, people with average Social Security benefits have lost ,575 in total Social Security income over the past 7 years..Social Security Notch Reform Working towards benefit equality for older Americans..One of my bills would also increase insurance options for older Americans who are not yet age 6While the Affordable Care Act has greatly expanded insurance coverage, and limited insurers' ability to charge older Americans higher premiums, we can do a lot more to increase options and affordability. My Medicare-X Choice Act would expand on the Medicare framework to create a new public insurance plan for people of all ages..When Congress enacted automatic Social Security COLAs in 1972, there was only one CPI and it measured the inflation experienced by urban wage earners and clerical workers. The 1972 amendments used this CPI as the basis for determining your COLA today. But today there are other, more appropriate indexes for calculating the COLA. In 1978 the Bureau of Labor Statistics expanded the CPI known as the CPI-U to cover all urban residents, including most retirees, and in 1983 the BLS launched an experimental index, the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly, which reflects the spending patterns of people age 62 and older..Private insurance executive Peter Edwards, at a recent roundtable with the Senate Finance Committee, presented another option. Edwards, who is the President of Provider Development at Humana, suggested a flexible arrangement that offers a variety of payment models for differing practices and geographic regions. He advised the Senate Committee against a one-size-fits-all approach, warning that such approaches would undermine any existing collaborations..American consumers have waited too long for Congress to finally make bipartisan progress on lowering prescription drug costs. At a time of rampant hyper-partisanship on Capitol Hill, I've seen glimmers of hope for how lawmakers from across the political spectrum can unite on this issue. We can't stop pushing for lower prices, because our nation's seniors deserve that level of respect, commitment, and urgency.

Health Reform Poll Finding Kaiser Health Tracking Poll Future Directions For The Aca And Medicaid View Footnotes

in vacation spots have turned them into a bed and breakfast, a full-time.That is why TSCL so strongly opposes the President's proposal. True, it would be a boost for those now employed. But it will do nothing for those who are unemployed, and those are the people who need the most help right now. There are other ways to aid them, as well as to help the currently employed..We believe that given the complexity of the new program, seniors who need insulin would be wise to enlist the assistance of a trained counselor before switching to such a plan to ensure they aren't giving up better coverage in other ways. This is particularly true if they are now in a Medigap plan and considering moving to a Medicare Advantage plan. … Continued

Minnesota Reports Four New Measles Cases As Hospitals Issue Precautions

Such large trials are unlikely in the rush to field a vaccine and the result could be a dangerous erosion of public trust. The yearly flu shot carries a risk of less than 1 in 1 million cases of the neurological complication Guillain-Barre syndrome. But even with that low a risk, close to half of Americans refuse to get it..Congressional Recess Continues.Congress should enact legislation that would prohibit the use of work credits based on unauthorized earnings from being used to determine entitlement for Social Security benefits. … Continued

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