Representative Peter DeFazio.My husband and I are not yet 65 or enrolled in Medicare. We are still working primarily so we can get health insurance coverage through our employers. We're worried about the effect of "Obamacare" on our insurance premiums and whether our employers will drop coverage. Will Members of Congress give up their taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits? I think they should be required to get Obamacare benefits like the rest of us!.Take minimum required distributions on time. Once you turn age 70 ½, everyone with a traditional IRA must begin taking required minimum distributions. Failure to do so results in a tax penalty equal to 50% of the required distribution amount..When the COLA does not accurately or adequately reflect the costs that retired and disabled people actually have, the buying power of Social Security benefits erodes over time. A study by TSCL has found that Social Security benefits have lost 30 percent of their buying power since 2000..The U.S. House and Senate adjourn at the end of July for a six-week summer recess, and many lawmakers will hold town hall meetings in their home states and districts throughout the month of August. The Senior Citizens League encourages Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries like you to attend these events and to ask important questions of your elected officials about your earned benefits..Questions To Ask At Your Next Town Hall.That's correct, you can work while receiving a Social Security retirement, or survivors' benefit. The Social Security Administration even says it could eventually mean a higher benefit for you, but it could also mean that your Social Security benefits may be reduced - at least temporarily - when you earn more than the annual limit. In addition, your earnings may subject a portion of your Social Security benefits to taxation..CMS to Save 4.5 Billion Dollars over Ten Years.Garden: A recent long-term study followed more than 2800 men and women aged 60 and older for 16 years. The study measured admission to hospital, and nursing homes with any kinds of dementia, while assessing a variety of lifestyle factors. Researchers found daily gardening to represent the single biggest risk reduction for dementia in both sexes, reducing incidence by 36%. Gardening involves many critical functions, including improved vitamin D levels from exposure to the sun for good health, exercise, learning and observation, problem solving, sensory awareness and maintenance of sanity, that its benefits are believed to a synthesis of various aspects.

Polling Health Reform

Medicare drug plan finder at..The August recess is a tradition that dates back to the early days of our republic when there was no electricity and, therefore, no air conditioning. Washington was so hot and miserable in August that the members of Congress wanted to get out of town and go somewhere cooler. Even though the weather in Washington is still hot and miserable in August, the excuse to leave town is no longer valid because of air conditioning, of course..A tax reform plan being floated by the House GOP would meet strong opposition from activists and older voters, warns The Senior Citizens League. The plan would end the 12.4 percent payroll tax that funds the monthly checks of about 60 million current Social Security beneficiaries. "This proposal would sabotage Social Security for both current and future Social Security recipients," warns Mary Johnson, Social Security policy analyst for TSCL. … Continued

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"Auxiliary Beneficiaries Who Do Not Have Their Own Social Security Number," Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General, September 2014, A-01-14-14036..The less painful alternatives are: bringing new state and local workers into the Social Security system, gradually raising the payroll tax cap to its originally intended level, and raising the retirement age..With over 1 million supporters, The Senior Citizens League is one of the nation's largest nonpartisan seniors groups. Located just outside Washington, D.C., its mission is to promote and assist members and supporters, to educate and alert senior citizens about their rights and freedoms as U.S. Citizens, and to protect and defend the benefits senior citizens have earned and paid for. The Senior Citizens League is a proud affiliate of The Retired Enlisted Association. … Continued

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