The Senior Citizens League enthusiastically supports the Seniors Have Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act, and we believe its passage is essential in order for older Americans to maintain their dignity and good health in retirement. In the months ahead, we look forward to working with Representative Roybal-Allard to help build support for her bill, and we hope to see it signed into law before the end of this year..Two Key Medicare Bills Gain Support.How Social Security Can Be Fixed Without Deep Cuts.In addition to rapidly growing Medigap premiums, retirees also must pay for premiums for Medicare Part B and their drug plans. The combination takes a bigger bite out of Social Security benefits and other retirement resources when COLAs fail to keep pace. "The financial drain on benefits is difficult to anticipate, and many retirees don't have adequate savings to begin with," Johnson says..You can learn how the earnings test works and exempt amounts by year at:. You can check your earnings record online by setting up a "my Social Security" account. To contact Social Security by phone, call, or visit your local Social Security office..I've been listening to news stories about the Supreme Court case over the constitutionality of the healthcare reform law. Was Medicare affected in any way?.The Senior Citizens League is relieved that Members of Congress were able to avert the Fiscal Cliff and provide a "doc fix" without enacting harsh benefit cuts. However, topics like "chaining" the Social Security COLA and increasing means testing measures within Medicare will likely resurface next month, when Congress will be required to raise the debt ceiling address the spending cuts once again. In the meantime, TSCL will continue to inform Members of Congress about the consequences of cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits, and we will post updates here in the Legislative News section of our website..This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate remained in their home states and districts for the remainder of the two-week spring recess. Both chambers are scheduled to be back in session by Tuesday, April 25th..Reps. Steven Rothman and Michael Michaud signed on to Rep. Charlie Gonzalez's CPI-E Act. The co-sponsor total is now at 33.

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Spanberger Bill Aims to Shed Light on Prescription Drug Pricing.A new analysis from The Senior Citizens League indicates that Social Security checks in 2019 are as much as 18 percent lower due to the impact of extremely low COLAs over the past ten years. From 2000 to 2010, COLAs routinely averaged 3 percent annually. People who have been receiving Social Security benefits since 2009, have only seen a COLA higher than 2.8 percent one time..The Republican Platform … Continued

Health Reform Press Release Study Finds Recent Slowdown In Health Spending Growth Mostly Tied To The Economy

TSCL's Take.Spanberger Bill Aims to Shed Light on Prescription Drug Pricing.While economists are still sorting out the reason for the fall in inflation, I recently asked what you have observed in the way of prices. Are the goods and services on which you typically spend most of your budget really falling - or are those prices actually going up? … Continued

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