The legislation prevents a 19% Social Security disability benefit cut by a short-term reallocation of payroll tax revenue in 2016 through 201This would be sufficient to pay benefits until 2022 and would not affect the 2034 depletion date of the Social Security retirement trust fund, according to Social Security's Chief Actuary..Some say that if workers pay into the system, then they should be entitled to benefits. But TSCL and the overwhelming majority of seniors who have responded to TSCL's surveys believe that Social Security benefits should not be based on illegal earnings and work credits. Congress is considering big changes to both Social Security and Medicare that will result in reducing benefits and higher costs for retirees in the future. TSCL supports measures that would prohibit Social Security from using earnings for jobs worked without legal authorization to be counted towards entitlement to benefits..This is a tough decision, for which you need independent advice from someone other than the marketing agent of a MA plan. TSCL strongly recommends that you contact your area agency on aging or senior services department and ask for one-on-one counseling available through your State Health Insurance Assistance Program. The service is available at no charge..The pharmacy benefit management company Express Scripts/Medco has one of the most comprehensive lists of the estimated dates in which brand drugs patents are ending. To learn more about your drug plan options, visit and look on the homepage for the link to "Compare health and drug plans.".In 2017, you are allowed to earn ,880 or in the months prior to full retirement age without any reduction to your benefits. If you earn more than that, Social Security will withhold in benefits for every over that amount..This week, TSCL was pleased to lend its support to Rep. Scott Rigell's H.Res. 66The resolution expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that any changes made to Medicare should not affect those over the age of fifty-five. It also states that any Medicare reform package should provide a detailed plan to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse within the program..Estimate your costs and when you may risk hitting the doughnut hole: Based on the prescriptions you enter, the Medicare Drug Plan Finder can estimate your annual costs and when you potentially may hit the doughnut hole..And remember, there is no plan anywhere on how to shore up Social Security, even if the Payroll tax deferment is not made permanent..TSCL has been monitoring the case closely in recent months because if implemented, the executive orders would have provided millions of undocumented immigrants with controversial access to Social Security and Medicare benefits. In a press release, Ed Cates TSCL's Chairman said: "Concern is high that undocumented immigrants who were illegally present and who worked under fake, invalid, or fraudulent Social Security numbers may benefit based on such work, potentially at the expense of others who paid into the system the legal way."

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The non-partisan Center for Retirement Research at Boston College released the following comparison to help you learn where the candidates stand on Social Security:.To do this, Larson's bill would increase the payroll tax rate gradually over 24 years through annual 0.1% increases, and it would also apply payroll taxes to all earnings instead of just the first 7,700..CDI investigates disability claims that State disability examiners believe are suspicious. The program's primary mission is to obtain evidence that can resolve questions of fraud before benefits are ever paid. These investigative units also provide reports to examiners during continuing disability reviews that can be used to end benefits of people who are ineligible for benefits and gaming the system. Let's tell Congress to say NO to Social Security disability insurance cuts - and ask lawmakers to strengthen our successful anti-fraud prevention programs. … Continued

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Members of the Senate will return to Capitol Hill on September 6th, and Members of the House of Representatives will return on September 7th. TSCL would like to remind you to approach your Members of Congress at local events and request their support for a fair Social Security cost-of-living adjustment and other key issues..Congress Adjourns for Holiday Recess.In a letter of support, Art Cooper Chairman of The Senior Citizens League's Board of Trustees wrote: "As you know, millions of older Americans are afflicted with age-related hearing loss, low vision, and poor oral health … When left untreated, their conditions often cause much more serious injuries and health complications. But when successfully treated, the result is improved overall health and potentially lower costs for Medicare and patients." … Continued

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