I set the glasses back down on the window ledge, fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote..Most surviving children would not be eligible for Notch Fairness Act benefits, but the issue should concern every single child of a Notch Baby. Recent Social Security reform proposals to attach a "price index" to the Social Security benefit formula would cut benefits for future retirees in a manner similar to the 1977 changes that led to the Notch. In addition, Congress thus far has taken no constructive non-partisan action to address Social Security's looming shortfall - meaning they may have to make very deep and abrupt cuts when they can no longer stall for time..Government Shutdown Continues for Fifth Week.The primary means of financing the benefits of the nation's 61 million Social Security recipients is a 6.2% payroll tax that is paid by employees and matched by employers - a total of 12.4%. Current law, however, imposes a limit on the amount of wages that are taxed for Social Security purposes, which is 7,200 in 201"Because Social Security benefits are based on wages, the Social Security cap on earnings also limits the initial retirement benefit that higher earners receive when they retire," Johnson explains. "In fact, all Social Security recipients are wrestling with growing income inadequacy as benefits replace a shrinking portion of wages, and this is especially true for those who earn more than the taxable maximum," Johnson says..Open Enrollment on the new health exchanges starts November 15 and will run for about one month. But even after a year of technical problems and significant repair efforts, the Government Accountability Office recently warned Congress that the federal exchange may continue to have more enrollment problems. Nevertheless, due to the high cost of insurance and potential tax repercussions, TSCL recommends that you start early and be persistent about finding your best plan..I recently learned that my ex-spouse passed away due to the coronavirus. He was older than I am, and had already started Social Security. He was getting about ,875 before we divorced. I'm remarried now, but my husband hasn't started benefits. He's only working part time. Would I possibly qualify for Social Security widower's benefits based on my ex-husband's Social Security?.This week, The Senior Citizens League announced its support for two bills that would improve Medicare coverage of certain services. First, TSCL endorsed the Audiology Patient Choice Act, a bipartisan bill that was introduced in March by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Rand Paul. The bill was introduced in the House last year by Representative Tom Rice with the support of several cosponsors..It required a mix of financial incentives, unprecedented world-wide need, and government prodding. But drug companies stepped up, and based on their performance in the stock market, they appear to be prospering. The federal government negotiated not only prices, but also it purchased hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines, made the vaccines available to the public at no charge, and has overseen the distribution of the vaccines to states. Those vaccines are saving lives, helping to get workers back on the job, and allowing those of us who are fully vaccinated to carefully start to resume pre-pandemic activities, such as visits with friends, family and grandchildren..The Senior Citizens League strongly endorses legislation that would guarantee that COLAs are no lower than 3% and is working with Congress for the passage of an emergency COLA benefit boost for 2021.

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Center for Disease Control says Face Coverings Remain Key.The Office of the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration recently said that office is assessing the impact from COVID-19, but the smaller than expected year over - year increase appears to be due to excess deaths. About 80% of the deaths from COVID-19 were people age 65 and older - more than 374,004 people, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..Investing in an advanced aide role for DWCs will not only lead to less institutionalization and fewer re-hospitalizations, but will improve quality of life for seniors and reduce costs, reducing the overall burden on the health care industry. Seniors deserve to stay in their homes as they age, enjoy a high quality of life, all while receiving high quality, cost-effective care. The Advanced Aide Act will ensure that this is attainable. … Continued

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If you or someone you know is struggling to make their Social Security benefits stretch from one month to another, there are two Medicare programs that can help with medical costs for those eligible - Medicare Savings Programs which cover some Part B costs, and Medicare Extra Help which provides help with prescription costs..The coronavirus has hit older Americans particularly hard and sent tens of thousands of Medicare recipients to hospital emergency rooms and intensive care units. That type of care comes with particularly pricey out-of-pocket costs which we expect will drive up Medicare Part B spending for 2020. We.Benefit Bulletin: March/April 2020 What to do When You Can't Afford Medicare Premiums.Nearly 1.5 million public servants are currently affected by the WEP because they have earned pensions from their state or local government, but have also paid into Social Security through previous or secondary employment. Their earned Social Security benefits are often reduced by as much as 40 percent. In addition, the GPO affects public servants who are entitled to Social Security spousal or survivors benefits based on the work history of a husband or wife. Nine out of ten times, the benefits to which they are entitled are eliminated altogether. … Continued

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