My doctor prescribed a new drug but, when I tried to fill it the first time, I learned that my drug plan does not cover it. The drug cost close to 0 dollars and I could not afford that! What can I do?.Social Security Notch Reform Working towards benefit equality for older Americans..TSCL enthusiastically supports H.R. 155, H.R. 1029, H.R. 574, and H.R. 1795, and we were pleased to see support grow for each of them this week..The President should not sign or send the current totalization agreement with Mexico to Congress. Should the President nevertheless do so, Congress should disapprove the agreement..Alzheimer's Drug Could Increase Part B Premiums for Everyone A newly approved drug to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease is drawing criticism for it's ,000 price tag, especially given its lack of proven effectiveness. Aduhelm stirred controversy when the Food and Drug Administration's own expert advisory panel was nearly unanimous in opposing the drug's approval due to mixed results in studies of effectiveness.."We continue to see this as a critical public health tool," CDC Director Robert Redfield said. Responding to questions about large public gathers of unmasked people, he stated that, "obviously we're very concerned that our public health message isn't resonating.".Extending The Payroll Tax Cuts: Employees' Social Security payroll taxes were reduced by 2 to 4.2 percent in December. Because it makes the Social Security trust funds reliant on general revenues, it would jeopardize the Administration's ability to fully pay Social Security benefits now, especially as we approach the August 2nd debt limit..TSCL is hopeful that Congress will provide the Social Security Administration with the funding and staffing necessary to make progress on reducing the DI backlog. As Ranking Member John Larson said at Wednesday's hearing, "[A backlog of] six hundred days is flat-out unacceptable." In the coming weeks, TSCL will provide the Social Security Subcommittee with policy recommendations. We will summarize them here in the Legislative News section of our website after they are submitted to the Subcommittee for review..CLASS Program Closer to Being Repealed

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They have already spent heavily on lobbying and are expected to soon intensify their efforts, and TSCL's concern is that the new protections could be watered down during the rulemaking process and leave consumers still vulnerable to unexpectedly large bills..According to the CBO report, the fiscal shortfall is largely due to the growth of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and interest payments as a share of the country's gross domestic product, while tax revenue stays relatively steady and spending for other programs drops..Social Security disability benefits are financed through the taxes paid by workers and their employers on earnings up to a cap of 7,000. Of the 6.2% that each pays, 0.9% goes to Disability Insurance and the rest goes to pay retirement and survivors benefits. … Continued

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This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate remained in their home states and districts for the remainder of the two-week spring recess. Both chambers are scheduled to be back in session by Tuesday, April 25th..The program will ship roughly one million doses per week to about 6,500 pharmacies across the U.S. as a trial run, beginning Feb. 1They also will boost shipments to states by 5% to 10.5 million doses per week, up from the 10 million doses that were announced a week earlier..Does Medicare provide coverage for eye care services or eyeglasses? … Continued

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