Your contact with Members of Congress is important now and could help clear the legislative path for this important legislation. Call your Member of Congress now toll free at. Calls to your elected lawmakers made on this number will be paid for by The Senior Citizens League..Late enrollment penalties are not like one-time tax penalties. Under the late enrollment penalty your monthly Part B premium may go up 10% for each full 12-month period that you delayed enrollment, and you pay the higher premiums for the rest of the time you receive Medicare..For more information about town hall meetings near you during next week's recess, click HERE. You can also call the local offices of your Members of Congress to request information about upcoming town halls. For contact information, click HERE..Will higher-income workers pay their fair share of taxes to Social Security?.By Senator Elizabeth Warren.I can't find the remote..January 2007."New Generic Drugs Can Save You Money," Consumer Reports magazine, May 2012..Want to join the effort for an Emergency COLA? Sign a petition today!

Blog Public Policy 5

Medicare's annual Part D Open Enrollment. Case in point: My client had.The poll raises questions about both the adequacy of Social Security benefits, and proposals that would make seniors pay an even bigger share of their healthcare costs in the future. According to the Social Security Administration, the median income for retirees aged 65 and older is just ,056.[1] In 2010, the most recent year for which data is available, Medicare beneficiaries spent ,734 on out-of-pocket costs on average, including premiums for Medicare and other supplemental insurance or health plans.[2].On Tuesday, with a vote of 244-154, lawmakers in the Housed approved legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act's controversial Medicare cost-cutting board. … Continued

Hivaids Press Release Walgreens And Greater Than Aids Team Up In National Effort To Encourage Hiv Testing And Prevention

TSCL joins voices with Chairman Sam Johnson in urging President Trump to nominate a Social Security Commissioner immediately. To stay updated on the nomination and confirmation process in the months ahead, visit the Legislative News section of our website every Friday morning..To maximize your deductions, plan to take a quiet moment to organize your health expense paper work and get up to speed on allowable medical expenses. Even the most compulsive record-keeper can miss some. Remember that any unreimbursed premiums you pay for Part A, Part B, Medicare Advantage Plans, Medigap and Part D plans are deductible. In addition, here are a few of the commonly missed deductions, but be sure to talk to a professional tax preparer or financial advisor to check the availability of any possible deductions for you:.Rather than cutting back on one or two drugs, there was a large group that stopped filling most if not all their prescriptions as copays went up. … Continued

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