This week was a busy one for Social Security and Medicare Advocates! There was considerable activity to combat the high cost of prescription drugs. The Ways and Means Committee had a hearing on the Social Security 2100 Act. And, work continues on repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision..I've received numerous automated phone calls offering "free" Medicare-covered items like back braces and diabetes supplies. I'm not 65, not eligible for Medicare yet and I'm on the national DO NOT CALL list. Are suppliers allowed to do this?.Preliminary Analysis of the Rivlin-Ryan Health Care Proposal, Congressional Budget Office, November 17, 2010..The main point is that this program would be limited in scale, and only available in certain types of plans, which means only in certain areas of the country. The premiums of these plans would be higher for all enrollees due to the capping of the cost of insulin to the patient, but not actually lowering the cost of insulin overall. That means the supplemental insurance plan would still be paying the full cost of insulin that is charged by the drug companies. To pay for that, the insurance companies would likely increase the costs of their Medicare supplement plans to all who are covered, not just those who are diabetic..Representative Elijah Cummings introduced H.R. 448 on January 10, 201It has since been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and to the Committee on Ways and Means..We have been told repeatedly that the virus will not simply go away. It is here to stay and until effective treatments and/or a vaccine are found, we must continue wearing masks when in public, keeping our distance from others when out and about, and as much as possible, staying at home and away from others..Those people include Barbara B. - a retired home healthcare aide who lives in the Indianapolis area. "We're due for the increase," she says. But rising Part B premiums will likely take her entire COLA, leaving her with no increase at all in her net operating Social Security benefit again in 2018..About 4 million people who turn age 61 this year are in for a deep hit to their Social Security benefits when they retire. The initial retirement benefits of these individuals may be permanently reduced by about 9.1%, according to an estimate by Social Security's Chief Actuary. Without quick remedial action from Congress, the retirement benefits of people born in 1960 would be lower than the benefits of people with identical earnings and retirement histories who were born just one year prior to them. This is due to a flaw in the Social Security benefit formula..Rick Delaney, Chairman of the Board, TSCL

Report Section How Much Is Enough Out Of Pocket Spending Among Medicare Beneficiaries Appendices

Before Medicare, only half of our nation's seniors had health insurance and for far too many, a mild illness or injury could lead to bankruptcy or even death. Today, more than 47 million Americans receive Medicare benefits and have the peace and security of knowing that quality healthcare will be there for them when they need it..also say that if you're healthy, the best time to shop for a policy is your.The average Social Security benefit today is only ,240 a month. That's only 25% above the federal poverty level. More than one -third of all recipients depend on Social Security for 90% of their retirement income. … Continued

Redistricting Ncsl Virtual Redistricting Seminar Jan 5 7 2021

President Trump announced last week that there will be a new type of Medicare prescription drug plan that will cap insulin costs at per month for some seniors who have diabetes. While TSCL applauds that as far as it goes, it is woefully short of what is needed..TSCL recently endorsed The BASIC ACT introduced by Senator Christopher Murphy that would pay the deceased beneficiary's Social Security benefits for each day a recipient lives. The bill would send the beneficiary's estate a check for the days lived in the final month. The legislation would also increase the size of the Social Security death payment from 5 to 50% of the deceased beneficiary's typical monthly Social Security income with 5 as the minimum payment. As currently structured, the legislation would cost an estimated 0 million each year..TSCL knows how crucial they are, and we pledge to keep fighting on your behalf. But your calls and emails to your Senators and Representatives on these issues that we write about are very important and can make a real difference. … Continued

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