Besides heart attack and stroke, heightened risk for heart failure and coronary artery disease was linked to fried food consumption, too.."The measure would generally limit surprise billing in the following circumstances:."One of the most difficult tasks facing Congress is overcoming a huge public credibility gap," warns TSCL Chairman Ed Cates. The public overwhelmingly views Social Security as one combined Trust Fund, which provides retirement, survivors and disability benefits. "In reality there are two - one for retirement and survivors benefits and one for disability benefits - and they operate separately," Cates notes..Congress recently ended two Social Security claiming strategies that helped couples maximize their retirement income. The strategies being eliminated allowed individuals to claim a spousal benefit while their own retirement benefits continued to grow. The "file and suspend" option is no longer available for people who will be younger than age 66 on April 30, 201Those older than age 66 on that date are grandfathered in and still able to use the claiming strategy. If you and your husband won't be 66 until later in the year, your husband would not be able to file and suspend as planned..Despite the continued standoff on Capitol Hill, Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries should rest assured that their benefits will not be impacted by the ongoing shutdown. Both Social Security and Medicare are "mandatory" programs, which means that benefits will go out in full and as scheduled regardless of the federal government's operating status. In addition, the administrative offices for both programs are fully funded and are currently operating normally, so those applying for benefits should not see any delays in their requests..CLASS Program Closer to Being Repealed.People who don't have their premiums deducted from Social Security payments, including those still working and who haven't started Social Security yet..If you do return to work, it is possible that your earnings could subject a portion of your Social Security benefits to taxation. If this happens, you could wind up with only a small gain, or even lose money after paying the increased tax on earnings and Social Security benefits. Before taking on work to earn extra income, calculate the tax cost. A good tax guide like J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax contains worksheets to help you do this. Tax guides can often be found in many public libraries, or visit for more information..This week, lawmakers in the House passed legislation to repeal the controversial Independent Payment Advisory Board, and The Senior Citizens League announced its support for one new piece of legislation.

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limited coverage for medically-related home health care, or short-term nursing.I take my checkbook off the table, and see that there is only 1 check left..The law, however, also shifts the entire beneficiary share of Part B premium costs to the remaining 30% of individuals who are not protected by the hold harmless provision. An estimated 16 million people will take a financial hit from spiking Part B premiums unless Congress takes action. They include: … Continued

Military And Veterans Affairs Military And Veterans Affairs Task Force Agenda

I recently learned that my ex-spouse passed away due to the coronavirus. He was older than I am, and had already started Social Security. He was getting about ,875 before we divorced. I'm remarried now, but my husband hasn't started benefits. He's only working part time. Would I possibly qualify for Social Security widower's benefits based on my ex-husband's Social Security?.On Monday, the White House held its Conference on Aging, which occurs once every decade with the purpose of discussing and advancing initiatives that will improve the lives of older Americans. Several members of the Obama Administration were present at Monday's event, and President Obama himself gave remarks on the challenges facing seniors today..With regard to your specific concerns on Social Security COLAs, as you are fully aware, after a person becomes entitled to receive Social Security benefits, his or her monthly benefit was designed to increase annually to maintain purchasing power over time. The amount of the COLA is based on inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index. If the CPI rises, Social Security benefits for the next year increase proportionately. If the CPI falls, Social Security benefits stay the same. Like you, I too have long been critical of this formula that measures the level of inflation in our economy because older Americans have different needs than the "typical" American. In addition, the current CPI fails to adequately reflect the fact that seniors rely more on medical goods and services, which have a much higher inflation rate. … Continued

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