retirement age than at age 6Delay even more and it will be boosted by the.This week, Members of the Senate voted to confirm Sylvia Mathews Burwell as the next Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, The Senior Citizens League saw two key bills gain support.."Night in America" spotlights the plight millions of seniors are enduring as living costs rise, Social Security payments shrink, and medical costs skyrocket. Night in America is a play on Ronald Reagan's 1984 campaign theme, "Morning in America.".averages about ,350 per month. But even people who receive care at home spend.In a statement, Mary Johnson a policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League said this week: "This could be particularly problematic for older, low-income Americans who represent a disproportionate share of Medicaid spending … Capping and adjusting payments to states would take benefits away from millions of low-income families, including disabled and older Americans in nursing homes, all to pay for massive tax breaks for the very wealthiest U.S. households.".Lawmakers in Washington had mixed reactions to Judge Hanen's injunction. Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn said, "Today's victory is an important one, but the fight to reverse the President's unconstitutional overreach is not over. The President must respect the rule of law and fully obey the court's ruling." Meanwhile, Representative Luis Gutierrez called the injunction a simple "bump in the road." He stated: "The administration intends to take this to the highest court in the nation, where we know justice and fairness will prevail on this executive order.".According to TSCL's Senior Surveys, more than half of retiree households pay taxes on Social Security benefits. The new tax law did not change the income thresholds that subject Social Security benefits to taxation. Taxpayers with incomes in excess of ,000 or ,000 pay taxes on as much as 50% of Social Security benefits. For taxpayers with income exceeding ,000 and ,000, up to 85% of Social Security benefits may be taxed. Rather than paying quarterly estimates, taxpayers may use Form W-4V to withhold a flat rate from Social Security checks: 7%, 10%, 12%, or 22%..Our annual Senior Surveys indicate overwhelming public support for the major provisions of The Social Security 2100 Act. And based on your comments and email, that's pretty much the case, no matter which political party you happen to vote for. It's vital for all of us to make sure your Member of Congress knows how you think Social Security and Medicare should be "rescued." Please take our 2020 Senior Survey..In a letter to Marilyn Tavenner, the Acting Administrator of CMS, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission warned that some of the health plans don't have the experience to manage the full range of benefits required by dual eligibles or the capacity to serve large numbers that would be automatically transferred into the plans en masse at the beginning of the program.

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Four Key Bills Gain Support.And, in case you had any doubts about why you need that Medicare Advantage plan in the first place, here are the general types of costs if you have Medicare Advantage plan coverage compared with having traditional Medicare with a Medigap supplement..Incredibly, according to a legal opinion obtained by TSCL in 2009, Totalization with Mexico may give Mexican immigrants greater rights to U.S. Social Security benefits than U.S. senior citizens currently enjoy. The proposed U.S./Mexico Totalization Agreement would be based on a contractual promise made by the United States government for the benefit of individual Mexican workers who qualify for U.S. Social Security benefits under the terms of that agreement. … Continued

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You get them whenever you visit a doctor, or fill a prescription - Medicare's "explanation of benefits" forms. Often perplexing, many people never review them, let alone, try to figure them out. But you might be stunned if you do, especially if you discover drugs, medical equipment, or medical services that you never received were billed to Medicare..The study examined the increase in costs of 39 key items between 2000 and January 201The items were chosen because they are typical of the costs of most Social Security recipients, and include expenditures like Medicare Part B premium, that are not measured by the index currently used to calculate the COLA. Of the 39 items analyzed, 26 increased faster than the COLA over the same period. "This study illustrates why Congress should enact legislation to provide a more fair and adequate COLA," says The Senior Citizens' Executive Director, Shannon Benton. "To put it in perspective, for every 0 worth of groceries a retiree household could afford in 2000, they can only buy worth today," Benton adds..An individual's earnings are the basis for how the Social Security Administration calculates the initial retirement benefit. The benefit formula uses the 35 years of highest earnings to determine the average monthly wage. Low earnings and years of no earnings in one's earnings record, decreases the average monthly wage used to determine the monthly benefit. Initial benefits are pulled down with it. To boost benefits, some women today are working much longer than they anticipated to fill those gaps in their earnings records. … Continued

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