How to Hold That Thought.Trustees Release Annual Reports.Information and assistance.Tell your leadership what is important to you - Sign a Petition.Two House Bills Gain New Support.The Notch continues because Congress has yet to enact legislation to correct it. Notch Reform has been a highly contentious issue. In 1994 the director of the GAO testified to the Commission on the Social Security Notch saying that the Social Security Trust Fund would not have built up adequate surplus "had notch legislation been enacted at an earlier date." Over those same ten years, however, from 1995 through 2004, the federal government used more than .4 trillion in surplus Social Security revenues that could have been used to pay Notch reform benefits to fund other government spending..The letter you received from Social Security should indicate a deadline for your response. If you have missed the deadline, act quickly and contact Social Security requesting an extension. You may indeed learn there is an error and be able to correct the amount of money to be withheld. In addition, when you check your earnings record, you may need to contest earnings that don't belong to you..Currently, the two vaccines available are produced by Moderna and Pfizer. However, a vaccine from Johnson and Johnson could become available within the next few days. And there could be one or two more available in a few more weeks..annual Cost-of-Living Adjustments, simply won't be enough to provide an

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Find out if your drug plan offers mail order: If your drug plan offers mail order you can often significantly cut your costs by using it. Generally, mail order requires a 90- day prescription, but often your cost is the same as what you would pay for a 60-day supply from a retail pharmacy..Use call block technology. If you have a smart phone, you can block calls from unknown numbers. Some land line phones also have similar technology..This week, the Social Security and Medicare Trustees released their annual reports on the financial standing of the two programs. In addition, the Supreme Court announced its decision on the immigration orders President Obama released back in 2014. … Continued

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that a new prescription is your best option, check your drug plan coverage and.This is obviously an area of concern for many TSCL members who get their prescriptions delivered through the mail as well as though who receive monthly checks by mail. If you have problems with late delivery, we urge you to contact your own Senators and Representative and let them know. Congress needs to put pressure on the postal service to get this problem fixed..As FDR once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself--nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." We will learn the lessons your generation has taught us and not give in to fear. With your support, we will preserve that which we promised and leave a legacy to our posterity. … Continued

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