State Indicator Medicaid Benefits Family Planning ServicesIn the coming days, TSCL will be keeping a very close eye on the movement of the omnibus spending bill. If lawmakers fail to reach an agreement before the December 11th deadline, the federal government will shut down once again, potentially impacting the timeliness of Social Security checks and reimbursements to doctors who treat Medicare patients..Meal and nutrition programs.As our nation begins to deal with the problems of the long-term financing of Social Security, we face some very difficult decisions. To what extent should individuals be required to save for their own retirement and to what extent should the government provide for those who cannot or have not been able to save? Proposals for reform have yet to provide answers. … Continued
Perspective Coronavirus Unequal Economic TollBy Rick Delaney.TSCL's concern is not over taxes collected under valid Social Security numbers. The concern is over the use of earnings under invalid or fraudulent Social Security numbers to determine benefits. Earnings reported under invalid numbers most often occur when noncitizens work without legal authorization. Due to a loophole in current law, Social Security uses all earnings to determine benefits, even those from jobs worked under invalid and fraudulent Social Security numbers. Social Security thus pays benefits for the rest of the individual's life that may be based, at least in part, on work under fraudulent Social Security numbers. TSCL believes this policy rewards people for document fraud..New Congress Sworn in but Little in the Way of Legislation Yet … Continued