In an effort to stimulate the economy, President Obama has once again called for an extension of the Social Security payroll tax cut, which was enacted in December of last year..Because of the deficit projections some members of Congress have once again, raised the issue of balancing the federal budget on the backs of senior citizens..In the debate over lowering prescription drug prices, I see frequent mention of allowing importation of drugs from other countries. How would that work for people enrolled in Medicare Part D?.TSCL polls indicate that a wide majority of older Americans are opposed to this policy. TSCL strongly supports legislation that would ban the use of earnings under invalid and fraudulent Social Security numbers from being used to determine benefits..Our voices and our votes collectively are how we counteract all the money the drug companies throw around to influence Congress..Members of the Senate will return to Capitol Hill on September 6th, and Members of the House of Representatives will return on September 7th. TSCL would like to remind you to approach your Members of Congress at local events and request their support for a fair Social Security cost-of-living adjustment and other key issues..TSCL questions whether the more widespread use of subjective criteria in disability determinations may be contributing to disability fraud. Recently, 134 people, including retired New York City police officers and firefighters, were charged in one of the largest disability frauds on record. Those indicted were charged with faking mental disabilities, like post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from responding to the 911 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars in disability benefits..On Tuesday, just hours before a 21 percent pay cut for physicians was set to take effect, the Senate approved legislation to repeal and replace the SGR the flawed formula that determines reimbursement rates for doctors who treat Medicare patients. The bill, which was passed by the House two weeks ago, was adopted on Tuesday with a vote of 92-Shortly thereafter, President Obama released a statement saying that he "will be proud to sign it into law.".Highlights of this week in Congress include: fallout from the Super Committee's indecision; leadership changes at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services; and a new co-sponsor added to a key bill.

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This week, TSCL formally announced its support for Rep. Tim Walberg's Social Security and Medicare Lock-Box Act. If signed into law, the bill would safeguard the Social Security and Medicare Part A Trust Funds and prevent lawmakers from using the monies for unrelated purposes. In addition, it would establish a commission to determine alternate forms of investment for the surplus funds..Alexandria, VA Seniors got a modest 3.6% boost in their Social Security benefit this year. But whether it's making a difference in the bank balances of the more than 39.5 million seniors aged 65 and older who get Medicare is another story. The Senior Citizens League, one of the nation's largest nonpartisan seniors groups, is hoping to learn the answer to this question. TSCL recently launched its annual "Senior Survey" to find out how rising Medicare and other costs are impacting seniors' incomes and.Compare the least expensive way to buy. - No matter how you buy it, fresh, frozen, or canned, most fruits and vegetables tend to be sold by the pound A more accurate price for comparison is the cost per serving. For example, part of the weight of canned goods is packing liquid and as a result most have fewer servings per pound than fresh or frozen counterparts. … Continued

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Tell us what you think! It's time for the TSCL's 2019 Senior Survey. This is your opportunity to let us know what you think about major proposals affecting your benefits. Tell us how rising costs are affecting you. The answers to these questions help us inform journalists, the public, and Members of Congress on how older Americans are faring in retirement today. Your participation is helping to change the national dialogue on the adequacy of Social Security benefits, and throwing a spotlight on the growing problem of the ability of COLAs to maintain the buying power of your benefits..Under growing pressure to reduce the federal deficit, the prospect of major Social Security and Medicare cuts is the greatest it's been in almost three decades. The recent debt limit deal calls for a bipartisan committee that has until Thanksgiving to come up with a plan to cut the deficit by .2 trillion. TSCL believes that the committee would very likely include a change to a more slowly growing consumer price index that would cut annual-cost-of-living adjustments. There are also proposals that would require seniors to pay a bigger portion of their Medicare costs..Here are three good books to help you get up to speed: … Continued

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