The Chairman rightly pointed out that Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs and other online drug tracking systems can ensure that patients are only receiving the drugs they need. Senator Michael Bennet agreed that digital record keeping databases can help limit opioid prescriptions, and cited his new bill that would mandate electronic prescribing for all opioid medications prescribed to Medicare Part D beneficiaries..Cuts to Meals On Wheels Having "Devastating Impact".Elizabeth Curda of the Government Accountability Office explained that the operating system for filing and processing these claims was built in the 1950s and requires .1 billion just to maintain, not to improve, the system. Max Stier from the Partnership for Public Service said: "We have a legacy government that hasn't kept up with the world.".As I turn on the hose, I look over at my car and decide it needs washing..A push in the House to give legal status to illegal immigrants is reviving some movement toward immigration legislation this year. But the effort is running into outspoken opposition, including that from TSCL's grass roots senior members and supporters. At issue is whether undocumented immigrants, who have used fraudulent Social Security numbers to get jobs, would be allowed to claim Social Security payments based on earnings under those numbers..So far both Congress and President Obama have been cool to the idea of restoring funding to Meals on Wheels. That could change if Members of Congress start hearing from their senior constituents. Do you know someone who is losing their Meals on Wheels due to budget cuts? Write a letter to the editor of your local paper!.Example: In 2018 you are allowed to earn ,040 per year or ,420 per month without Social Security withholding any of your benefits. Let's say you earn more, ,900 per month. That would mean you would earn 0 more than the limit. Social Security would reduce your benefit by 0 per month, leaving you with just 0 per month. In addition, your earnings would also subject a portion of your Social Security benefits to taxation..Questions To Ask At Your Next Town Hall.Someone tries to tell you there's a fee for the new Medicare card. There is no fee for the card. Never give out your credit card or bank account number to anyone.

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An insurance industry source said Congress' deliberations are "freaking out" companies who worry that seniors will drop their private plans en masse and migrate to traditional Medicare once the new benefits are in place. But the source said the industry is mindful of the optics of publicly opposing coverage of eyeglasses, dental care and hearing aids, and is largely lobbying behind the scenes..Key Bill Gains Support.Between age 55 and 64, it's as if our body's warranty expires and … Continued

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Are benefit cuts inevitable when Social Security's financing runs low in a few years? Your participation in this November's presidential election will play a critical role in how this question will be answered..Social Security beneficiaries are receiving a cost-of-living adjustment of just 1.6% this year. For many, that won't be enough to keep up with healthcare costs, let alone items like homeowners and auto insurance or rising real estate taxes. That leaves retirees digging deeper into savings - if they have any, or - going deeper into debt..Changes in social activity level. What sort of social circle does your friend have? Besides getting together with you, does she visit with others, participate in religious activities, or other group events? Does your friend still work on favorite hobbies, or is she starting to drop interest? … Continued

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