A major move is underway to reduce government spending on Social Security by cutting the growth rate in annual cost-of-living adjustments. What would it cost you? Here are answers to some of your most frequently asked questions:.According to a news report we've seen, groups that support President Trump are urging him to take a "hard look at mandatory spending, the root cause of the United States' fiscal woes." And when they say "mandatory spending" they are talking about Social Security and Medicare..If you don't want diabetic testing supplies delivered to your home, you can go to any local store that is enrolled in Medicare and buy them. Ask if the local store accepts "assignment" or the Medicare approved amount as payment in full. If they do not, the store may charge more than the 20 percent coinsurance and any unmet deductible. Shop around. Call your local stores and find out what your copayment would be first if you decide to pick up supplies instead..Recently a journalist, familiar with my estimates of cost-of-living adjustments, contacted me for my thoughts on the topic. Did I think we were staring down rising inflation? I told him that I needed to see more data..Members of Congress may lose an election but unlike other Americans, they never lose their retirement and health benefits. A Member of the House or Senate who retires at age 60 after just 12 years in office will receive a Congressional pension of ,000 a year and lifetime benefits that could total more than 0,000.Notch Bulletin: How Long Have Notch Babies Been Underpaid? I was born during the Notch period. I would like to know how long Notch Babies have been underpaid. In addition could you tell me if the underpayment has been corrected and if we are receiving the right amount now? - M.R. Fort Cobb, OK.Does Medicare provide coverage for eye care services or eyeglasses?.Can You Still Fund A Retirement Account Once You Retire?.According to TSCL's Senior Surveys, more than half of retiree households pay taxes on Social Security benefits. The new tax law did not change the income thresholds that subject Social Security benefits to taxation. Taxpayers with incomes in excess of ,000 or ,000 pay taxes on as much as 50% of Social Security benefits. For taxpayers with income exceeding ,000 and ,000, up to 85% of Social Security benefits may be taxed. Rather than paying quarterly estimates, taxpayers may use Form W-4V to withhold a flat rate from Social Security checks: 7%, 10%, 12%, or 22%..The flowerpots aren't watered.

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Based on the result of this poll, The Senior Citizens League has endorsed legislation called the Seniors Have Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Act, a bill introduced by Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard and 131 cosponsors in the House of Representatives. If adopted, H.R. 508 would expand Medicare coverage to include essential hearing, vision, and dental services..The House Democratic bill would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and then force drug companies to lower the prices they charge private insurers or impose huge fines on the companies. Pelosi said she wants it to be part of a special budget bill that can pass the Senate without Republican support since it is immune from the filibuster..Gradually Raising the Payroll Tax Cap: The payroll tax cap has not kept pace with changing income patterns over the past few decades, so it makes sense to adjust the maximum taxable wages to realign them with the originally intended level. Gradually raising the cap to cover 90 percent of the nation's taxable earnings by 2050 would allow it to once again represent the same percentage of that figure that it did as recently as the early 1980s. … Continued

District One Hospital Services Birth Center

Since its inception, Medicare has undergone a number of changes. Since 1972 the program has covered disabled persons under 6In the last 25 years, beneficiaries were given the option to obtain services through private managed care arrangements. And most recently, the passage of the Affordable Care Act strengthened Medicare by closing the prescription "donut hole" and expanding preventative services with no deductible or co-pay..I'm new to Medicare and recently had surgery. I've received several unexpected bills, including one for ,100 from the anesthesiologist. I thought these costs would be covered. What can I do?.Should that come about you can be sure that TSCL will be fighting as hard as we can to stop any new attempt cut those programs that you've earned with your years of hard work and contributions to them and that you now depend on. … Continued

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