This order is not only vehemently opposed by the pharmaceutical industry but also by many conservative groups that have otherwise been supportive of Trump during his time in office..This issue has just popped up and TSCL will be in contact with members of Congress to do all we can to prevent these looming cuts and we will keep you advised as to how things are going..Deductibles: This is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Most people get CT scans as outpatients under Medicare Part B, which has a deductible of 3 in 2021, meaning you might be responsible for that amount. If your scan is part of a hospital stay as an inpatient, it would bill under Part A which has a deductible of ,48Because you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, your deductible amounts can vary from the standard Medicare amount. It's a good idea to call your health plan before getting any services, to get an idea about the cost. For people covered by a Medigap supplement, it will cover the Part A deductibles but, as of January 2020, insurers are no longer allowed to sell plans that cover the Part B deductible, Plans C and Plan F to new enrollees..The Senior Citizens League understands that Social Security beneficiaries today cannot afford any cuts to their benefits. Since 2000 alone, their benefits have lost 23% of their purchasing power. Instead, to improve the financing of the Social Security trust fund, TSCL is urging lawmakers to strengthen the program responsibly without benefit cuts..On Friday, lawmakers in the House and Senate prepared to return to their home states and districts for a week-long recess. They are scheduled to be back in Washington on Monday, May 7th. In the meantime, many Members of Congress will be attending local events and hosting town hall meetings..Johnson compiled a list of ten of the fastest-rising retiree costs based on Consumer Price Index data from October 2017 through October 2018..yourself. If you fall in between, consider looking into the coverage. They.This week, lawmakers in the Senate voted on three health reform bills that would have repealed and replaced parts of the ACA if enacted. All three of the bills the Better Care Reconciliation Act, the Obamacare Repeal and Reconciliation Act, and the Health Care Freedom Act better known as the "skinny repeal" bill failed to win passage on the Senate floor..Three Bills Gain Support

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During these meetings, the following issues were discussed: Social Security cost-of-living adjustments, Social Security Notch fairness, Social Security Totalization agreement reform, and repeal of both the windfall elimination provision and the government pension offset. Support was expressed for many of these key issues, and TSCL looks forward to working with these offices in the future..Such large trials are unlikely in the rush to field a vaccine and the result could be a dangerous erosion of public trust. The yearly flu shot carries a risk of less than 1 in 1 million cases of the neurological complication Guillain-Barre syndrome. But even with that low a risk, close to half of Americans refuse to get it..Options for Reducing the Deficit: 2019 to 2028, Congressional Budget Office, December 2018. … Continued

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Experts said the long-term effects of the virus on doctors and Medicare remain unknown. But the shortage of cash that many doctors are experiencing because of the coronavirus epidemic has revealed the shortcomings of how primary care doctors are paid..As the Affordable Care Act continues its scheduled implementation, many seniors will begin to see small changes in Medicare coverage and tax rates. A few modifications have already taken effect this year, including new federal subsidies that will lower the cost seniors pay for prescriptions filled in the "donut hole." There's also an increased threshold for itemized deductions of medical expenses, and Medicare tax increases for some with investment income..But first there's a lot you can learn for yourself online. Here are some things you need to know: … Continued

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