Have health insurance coverage. If you are under the age of 65 and didn't have health insurance for some or part of 2014 you may have to pay a tax penalty. For people who don't have Medicare or Medicaid, the penalty for not having coverage is the greater of 1% of your annual income, or The penalty is rising in 2015 to the greater of 2% or 5 per person..President Trump announced last week that there will be a new type of Medicare prescription drug plan that will cap insulin costs at per month for some seniors who have diabetes. While TSCL applauds that as far as it goes, it is woefully short of what is needed..Visit the customer service desk and request a refund of the overcharge. If you paid by credit card, make sure you have the card with you for a credit. This may resolve the problem. If it doesn't, contact your drug plan, tell them the problem, and request forms to file for claim reimbursement..TSCL Announces Support for House Resolution.Your thoughts on this matter can sway votes in Congress. Contact your Members of Congress. Letting each of them know what you think about debt limit deals that would cut "entitlements" like the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment, or trim benefits in other ways.."As the Covid-19 pandemic has sparked a race among drug makers eager to develop a vaccine and improve the industry's standing in Washington - pharma's giving underscores the breadth of its influence and its efforts to curry favor through lobbying and donations to the lawmakers who regulate health care..House Adjourns for Recess.Calling it an "economic imperative," President Obama continues to call for comprehensive immigration reform that would provide a path to legal status for illegal immigrants. A day after the President outlined his plan in a speech on the border with Mexico, immigration reform legislation known as the "DREAM Act" was reintroduced in the Senate..This question is signficant in light of proposals.Notch Bulletin: Does Your Representative Support Notch Reform? Help Us Build Key Support Now

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"Using that criterion, the Social Security reform trigger has already been pulled," Johnson notes. In their latest report, the Social Security Trustees say the combined retirement, survivors, and disability Trust Funds will exceed total income by increasing amounts starting in 2022 and will be depleted in 2034, well within the 75-year period called for in the budget resolution..Is it safe to shop for senior housing or to refinance a mortgage for overdue renovations of an older home, or should we focus of paying off the mortgage of an existing home? I'm still working and I'll turn 62 this year..If adopted, H.R. 860 would strengthen and reform the Social Security program by providing beneficiaries with a 2 percent benefit boost, basing cost-of-living adjustments on the CPI-E, creating a new minimum benefit set at 125 percent of the poverty line, and cutting taxes for beneficiaries. It would also apply the payroll tax to income over 0,000 and gradually increase the payroll tax rate to 7.4 percent. … Continued

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Does the "anchoring" effect cause people to retire too soon?.With medical costs and prescription drug prices rising higher than ever before, seniors living on fixed incomes are struggling to keep up and can no longer afford to be short-changed by the Social Security COLA. At Wednesday's press conference, Congressman Garamendi said: "Today - March 1st - we declare that something can be done.".That's why I introduced the Seniors and Veterans Emergency Benefits Act to give seniors on Social Security, veterans, and people with disabilities a one-time payment of 1 to help cover this gap. The bill is fully paid for by closing a tax loophole that allows corporations to write off obscene bonuses to top executives as business expenses for their taxes. … Continued

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