By Representative Cheri Bustos.Rather than get into all the details of how this works, we will simplify it this way. The Democrats now have the majority in the Senate because Vice President Harris can break tie votes, giving a majority vote of 51 to the Democrats..If your employer has less than 20 employers, beware. By law Medicare is the "first payer" of health insurance policies of small companies. This means you and your wife will need to enroll in Medicare in order for your healthcare claims to be covered. If you work for a company with less than 20 employees and try to file a claim, your insurer can deny it because Medicare is supposed to pay since you are Medicare-eligible. Because you and your wife are over 65, the government considers you Medicare-eligible, whether you have enrolled or not..Lawmakers Advance Temporary Funding Bill.Romney's bill would not tackle changes to the programs directly but would require Congress to set up "rescue" committees. The committees would be tasked with evaluating proposals and writing legislation to extend the solvency of the Trust Funds - which include the Social Security retirement, survivors, and disability trust funds and Medicare hospital insurance. At least two members of each party would be required to work on the legislation, and any qualifying bills that are written, would get expedited consideration in both the House and the Senate..For progress updates on H.R. 1902 or H.R. 1776, visit the Bill Tracking section of TSCL's website. To contact your Members of Congress to request their support for the bills, click HERE..The costs don't stop at ,350. Unlike other types of health insurance, there is no out-of-pocket annual maximum for beneficiaries enrolled in Part D. After spending the ,350 in drug costs, Part D plan enrollees pay the greater of 5% co-insurance or copays of .60 for generics and .95 for brand or non-preferred brand drugs. For someone taking high cost specialty drugs, the 5% coinsurance could still be in the hundreds of dollars and, would continue for each refill until the end of the year..Select a daily benefit amount. You can select an amount like.match you up with business mentors or help you brush up on skills like using a

Medicare State Indicator Total Disabled Social Security Disability Insurance Ssdi Beneficiaries Ages 18 64

TSCL is adamantly opposed to using COLA cuts to reduce the federal budget deficit. "With thousands of dollars in Social Security and Medicare benefits at stake, we urge everyone who cares about their Social Security and Medicare benefits to contact their lawmakers in Congress NOW," Benton says..TSCL agrees that the WEP and the GPO must be repealed as soon as possible so that public employees receive the retirement benefits they have earned and deserve. We look forward to working closely with Sen. Brown in the coming months to help build support for his important new bill..Without legislation to remedy this flaw in the benefit formula, the reduction to the Social Security retirement benefits of these 4 million people would be permanent. Assuming that benefits would be reduced by 9.1%, a calculation for TSCL indicates that a 62 - year old with middle-earnings who retired in 2020 would typically expect a benefit of ,565 at full retirement age, but now would only receive ,423 instead. Over the course of a 25-year retirement, or by the time these individuals reach 87, the total loss of retirement income from expected Social Security benefits would be more than ,000. … Continued

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Having Trouble Paying for Veterinary Care For Your Pet?.In the coming days and weeks, TSCL will monitor the AHCA's movement very closely, and we will continue to advocate against provisions of the bill that would jeopardize the health of older Americans. For progress updates, follow TSCL on Twitter or Facebook.."TSCL believes that Congress must get started and put forward plans for Social Security Disability soon. "To prevent benefit cuts, Social Security recipients need to get involved to learn about proposed changes and provide vigorous feedback to lawmakers about what the public will accept," Cates says. What do you think? Visit TSCL's website at and take a poll. … Continued

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