Sixteen major brand name drugs are going generic this year and another 25 are in the generic pipeline for 201Generic drugs can provide a savings of about 30-80% on the cost of your prescription when compared to brand pricing. But it could take up to a year or more before you and your health plan see substantial savings..Senate Committee Questions HHS Nominee.The legislation prevents a 19% Social Security disability benefit cut by a short-term reallocation of payroll tax revenue in 2016 through 201This would be sufficient to pay benefits until 2022 and would not affect the 2034 depletion date of the Social Security retirement trust fund, according to Social Security's Chief Actuary..We look forward to working with Sen. Casey and Rep. Cartwright in the coming months to help build support for this important bill. In addition, we urge our members and supporters to contact their elected officials to request their support for it. For contact information, CLICK HERE..TSCL was pleased to see seven new cosponsors sign on to the bill this week, and we will continue to advocate for it on Capitol Hill through the remainder of the 114th Congress.."Importation of Drugs into the United States From Canada," Nigel S. B. Rawson, PhD, Louise Bender LLD, CMAJ, June 19, 2017 posted on the National Institute of Health website. "Florida Wants to Import Medicine From Canada. But How Would That Work?" Selena Simmons Duffin, NPR, June 18, 2019..At a prescription drug forum in Central Virginia in November 2019, I heard from seniors who share these feelings. They're tired of seeing their drug costs rising. They're tired of having no way to understand why these prices continue to spike, and they're tired of lawmakers who refuse to act on an issue that impacts millions of seniors and families across our country each day..According to Politico, "At least 10 caucus moderates are signaling opposition to Democrats' drug pricing negotiation bill - more than enough to potentially force House Speaker Nancy Pelosi into dropping the reforms from [President Biden's] infrastructure legislation Democrats hope to pass along party lines. Pelosi can only spare two Democratic defections on partisan legislation because of the party's slim House majority.".You are still working,

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Changes in health. Chronic conditions like diabetes, pulmonary disease, dementia, and others, worsen over time. People with those conditions need increasing help. A sudden hospitalization could be life threatening if she has no one to care for her when she comes home..But not all beneficiaries are protected by the hold harmless provision. The provision covers about three-quarters of beneficiaries who would not see any change in their basic Part B premiums in 2010, according to the Actuary for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But one quarter of beneficiaries would face reductions to their monthly Social Security checks as money is deducted to cover the increased Part B premium costs. And although the "hold harmless" provision provides protection from the rising Part B premiums, that provision of law does not apply at all to Part D drug coverage or Part C Medicare Advantage plan premiums. If a person's Part D or Medicare Advantage plan premium goes up, he or she would have less Social Security to live on in 20An emergency COLA, however would offset those costs and prevent those reductions..Those in the Senate will resume work next week on the Better Care Reconciliation Act, which will have a significant impact on the health and financial security of older Americans if adopted. If Republican leaders in the Senate successfully negotiate a compromise with the most conservative and moderate members of the party, the BCRA could be signed into law before the end of this month. … Continued

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Budget Deal Passes With Provisions To Head Off SSDI Benefit Cut.TSCL continues to fight the agreement and supports measures that would block it from taking effect should it be sent to Congress for approval. TSCL continues to educate new lawmakers about the issue and recently filed a third Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to force the U.S. government to release documents related to the agreement, include those concerning the estimated cost to the Social Security Trust Fund..This is a great question to ask, because working under the wrong assumptions about Medicare and your current group health insurance could wind up costing.Q April/May 2021 Does Medicare Cover Eyeglasses? … Continued

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