If you're preparing for a long sea journey and about to set sail in stormy waters would you knowingly board a ship without adequate lifeboats or an emergency plan? Dumb question, I agree, but this is what the nation's retirees and Baby Boomers are getting ready to do,. The upcoming election will be one of the most important votes we ever make to determine the future of our Security and Medicare benefits. But voters are headed to the polls with frustratingly few details about candidates' plans..Representative John Larson introduced H.R. 860 on January 30, 201It has since been referred to the Committee on Ways and Means..The Democratic Platform.Because Medicare is such a crucial program, most members of Congress usually stumble over themselves to protect it. However, if the situation ever presents itself, they will use threats to Medicare to bash the other party..What is TSCL?.In a statement, Mary Johnson a policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League said this week: "This could be particularly problematic for older, low-income Americans who represent a disproportionate share of Medicaid spending … Capping and adjusting payments to states would take benefits away from millions of low-income families, including disabled and older Americans in nursing homes, all to pay for massive tax breaks for the very wealthiest U.S. households.".If you are like millions of Americans you have experienced delays in your mail, including drug prescriptions and checks. In some instances, it has taken over a month for a letter to arrive at its destination, and there are still stories of undelivered packages piled up in postal facilities..The Senior Citizens League believes Congress must address the loss of buying power by adopting the Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers Act. If signed into law, H.R. 1251 would base the COLA on the more fair and adequate CPI-E. Currently, COLAs are based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners, and they fail to keep pace with the inflation experienced by older Americans since goods like gasoline and electronics are weighted more heavily than health care and housing costs..Does Social Security Provide Enough Income For Today's Retirees?

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With no increase in Social Security benefits over the past two.In a letter to Congressman Jones, Ed Cates TSCL's Chairman wrote: "The Senior Citizens League lends its enthusiastic support and the support of its membership to the Social Security Guarantee Act … We salute you for introducing legislation that would make the Social Security program more fair and reliable, and we look forward to informing our members and supporters about your efforts.".How can illegal immigrants get Social Security? They don't pay taxes! … Continued

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High-income beneficiaries who pay an income-related surcharge in addition to the basic premium..Social Security Subcommittee Discusses DI Program.Rural hospitals deserve the same reimbursement rates that big city hospitals receive for providing the same treatments. Patients at rural hospitals deserve the same level of care patients receive at larger hospitals. The Rural Health Care Coalition is simply asking for a level playing field the H-CARE Act does just that. … Continued

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