We realize there is a severe lack of good news these days and we sometimes fear reporting on the issues of the day can have the effect of discouraging our supporters like you..How Would Importing Prescription Drugs From Other Countries Help People in Part D Plans?.The President should not sign or send the current totalization agreement with Mexico to Congress. Should the President nevertheless do so, Congress should disapprove the agreement..President Obama set off a firestorm of controversy announcing an ambitious set of "executive actions" to protect illegal immigrants from deportation. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office recently released a report confirming that many of those affected by the policy changes would be eligible for Social Security, Medicare and a wide array of federal benefits. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about executive action on immigration and how it affects Social Security and Medicare:.Fifty-six percent of all Social Security households pay taxes on their benefits. Many of them have very modest middle incomes and didn't adequately understand or plan for these taxes, which take about 6% on average of Social Security income..Tax Provisions in the Health Reconciliation Act, Journal of Accountancy, March 25, 2010..A new analysis by Johnson compared the growth of average benefits since 2009 with what retirees would have received assuming Social Security law provided a COLA guarantee of at least 3 percent, as has been proposed by some Members of Congress, including Representative Eliot Engel. Johnson's analysis found that an average benefit of ,075 in 2009 would be 6.50 per month higher in 2018 - about 17 percent higher - had Social Security recipients been protected by a 3 percent COLA guarantee. Over the past nine years, the average retiree would have received about ,947 more in total Social Security income..Figure in inflation: When calculating a long-term budget, consider that Medicare Part B premiums grew by almost 9% per year over the past 15 years. Medicare Advantage premiums have grown somewhat more slowly, but on-going program changes make it important to compare your health plan with other options during the Medicare's Open Enrollment period..One of the big questions we have is why this flu is so different from the regular seasonal flu, or even the flu viruses we've experienced in the past years such as swine flu, SARS, MERS or Ebola. After all, whether we like it or not, it's a fact that seniors are among the most vulnerable when it comes to theses flus, especially if someone has other serious underlying illnesses. It's also a fact that significant numbers of people die each time there is a flu outbreak, and seniors make up a large portion of those deaths.

Issue Brief Rising Cases In Long Term Care Facilities Are Cause For Concern

On Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee held a hearing titled "Determining Eligibility for Disability Benefits: Challenges Facing the Social Security Administration." Members of the Subcommittee heard from several expert witnesses at the hearing, including Bea Disman, Marilyn Zahm, and Lisa Ekman..This week, The Senior Citizens League was pleased to see support grow for two key bills that would improve retirement security in America if adopted..The health premium subsidy will be paid on your behalf directly to your selected insurance plan, and you will get tax credits that reduce the total amount of tax you owe to the IRS. This can mean a bigger refund if you don't owe. The credit begins with insurance that starts January 1, 2014 or later. … Continued

Womens Health Policy Press Release A New Analysis Takes A Closer Look At Online Contraception Platforms Amid The Pandemic

TSCL believes that benefits should be increased, not cut. To do this while providing enough funding to keep the program solvent for another 50 years, 78 percent of TSCL's survey participants favor raising the taxable cap on earnings so that Social Security taxes would be collected on all earnings. Currently only earnings up to 8,500 are taxed for Social Security. "This means the nation's highest earning people, like the CEOs of some of the nation's biggest companies, are pocketing a huge tax break on all earnings over the cap," says Cates..In March, TSCL delivered letters to several leaders in Congress including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker Paul Ryan, and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows requesting their immediate action on the looming debt ceiling crisis. Art Cooper, the Chairman of TSCL's Board of Trustees, wrote: "Our supporters nation-wide hope you will act swiftly and responsibly to avert delays in Social Security benefits and payments to Medicare providers, and they will not tolerate additional cuts to their earned Social Security benefits.".Background … Continued

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