Many lawmakers feel that major Medicare reform is necessary, even though Congress has already made significant changes to the program this year. Do you agree, and if so, what changes do you think must be made?.While benefits scheduled in the law for OASI [Old Age and Survivors Insurance] and DI [Disability Insurance] are obligations, such obligations can only be met to the extent that asset reserves are available in the OASI and DI Trust Funds. The law does not provide authority for the trust funds to borrow in order to pay benefits beyond the limited authority for "advance tax transfers.".How Do I Know When It's Time For Assisted Living If I Live Alone?.Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle at Wednesday's hearing expressed their strong interest in addressing the growing DI backlog. In his opening statement, Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson said: "Today, over one million people are waiting for a hearing with a Social Security Administrative Law Judge, and on average these folks will wait around 600 days to get that hearing. That's nearly two years!" He continued, saying: "While not all of them will qualify for DI benefits, all of these people deserve an answer in a timely fashion. And for those who don't qualify for benefits, these long wait times make getting back to work even harder.".To try to kill the novel coronavirus, some Americans are unsafely using disinfectants and cleaners, including washing food with bleach, using the products on bare skin, and inhaling and ingesting them, federal health officials reported Friday..Why is it so Hard to Lower Prescription Drug Prices?.The Internal Revenue Service interpreted the law to allow eligible consumers to receive premium subsidies regardless of whether the exchange was run by their state or by the federal government. Challengers of the law question that interpretation, saying that the law as written clearly directs subsidies to state-run exchanges only. Health law proponents say that lawmakers fully intended that subsidies be offered on all exchanges, regardless of whether they were administered by the states or federal government..Gives you Special Enrollment Periods to enroll or change plans during the year outside of the fall Open Enrollment period..How does divorce affect my Social Security benefits? I'm turning 6My ex - husband had much higher earnings than I did. His benefit is likely to be much higher than mine. He has remarried and is not retired yet. Would it advantageous for me to take a divorced spouse benefit based on his earnings, or better to wait for my own retirement benefit?

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After Surgery What Can I Do About Unexpected Bills?.Tightening eligibility requirements. Currently, DI applicants must have worked 5 of the past 10 years to be eligible for benefits. Increasing this requirement to 6 of the past 10 years would reduce the number of eligible beneficiaries only slightly and would save up to billion..Third, the Standardizing Electronic Prior Authorization for Safe Prescribing Act of 2018 gained three new cosponsors in Representative Todd Rokita, Representative Jackie Walorski, and Representative Roger Marshall, bringing the new cosponsor total to six. If signed into law, H.R. 4841 would allow for and standardize electronic prior authorization for Medicare Part D beneficiaries. … Continued

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The Social Security Trustees now say that benefit costs are exceeding the cash revenues coming in. Do you think changes are needed, and if so, what?.Prices charged for the category of drugs known as "specialty medications" are exploding so quickly that they're now a key source of concern for both consumers and Congress. Specialty drugs include those used to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis and rare health conditions. Spending on these drugs under Medicare almost quadrupled in recent years, rising from .7 billion in 2010 to .8 billion in 201On the other hand, spending on the same drugs under Medicaid, the program that provides healthcare for low-income Americans, grew much more slowly over the same period, rising from .8 billion to .9 billion..Social Security currently determines initial retirement benefits based on all earnings, even when individuals were working without legal authorization under stolen or fake Social Security numbers. … Continued

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