In addition, one new cosponsor Rep. Steve Cohen signed on to the bipartisan CPI for Seniors Act. The cosponsor total is now at three in the House. If adopted, it would mandate the monthly formulation and publication of a consumer price index specifically for seniors. Currently, Social Security cost-of-living adjustments are based on the inflation experienced by young, urban workers, but H.R. 2016 would establish a more accurate index for beneficiaries..Can You Still Fund A Retirement Account Once You Retire?.Always think safety first. Do not give in to high pressure tactics over the phone for information, or in person to get into your home.I lay my car keys on the table, put the junk mail in the trashcan under the table and notice that the can is full..In reality, there's no need to cut or privatize Social Security in order to assure its solvency. Social Security could pay its full promised benefits for decades to come if we simply asked all Americans to pay their fair share of FICA taxes. Here's the deal: Ninety- four percent of American workers pay into Social Security all year long on every dollar they earn. The wealthiest six percent do not. They stop paying after their income hits the 8,500 cap. For people taking home million or more, that arrives just six weeks into the year. Some even finish paying just after New Year's Day. This gaping loophole allows billionaire hedge fund managers and corporate CEOs to pay a far lower percentage of their income into Social Security than teachers, police officers and healthcare workers..Eye exams, eye glasses, and contact lenses..I put the soda on the window ledge and discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning..This week, lawmakers returned to Capitol Hill and two committees held hearings to discuss the opioid epidemic. In addition, The Senior Citizens League saw support grow for several key bills..According to the Center for Disease Control, it has been recognized for many years that people 65 years and older are at high risk of developing serious complications from flu compared with young, healthy adults. This risk is due in part to changes in immune defenses with increasing age. While flu seasons vary in severity, during most seasons, people 65 years and older bear the greatest burden of severe flu disease. In recent years, for example, it is estimated that between 70 percent and 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in people 65 years and older, and between 50 percent and 70 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations have occurred among people in this age group.

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Two of the most popular Medigap plans, "F" and "C," will no longer be offered for sale in 2020. "While individuals enrolled in these plans may keep their plans, we are concerned that premiums for these plans could rise significantly without younger and healthier new enrollees to spread the costs in those plans," Johnson says..The age at which one applies for Social Security is the single biggest financial decision most of us will ever make, but TSCL's 2017 Senior Survey suggests that the vast majority of people claiming Social Security aren't getting the help they need. When survey participants were asked if they had received counseling from the Social Security Administration about the best age to start benefits, 77% of survey participants said no, and 71% said that prior to starting benefits they were unaware of the total lifetime benefit income they could expect to receive..The federal government negotiates prescription drug prices for Medicaid enrollees and for veterans, but it is not allowed to negotiate lower prices for Medicare beneficiaries. Do you support this policy? … Continued

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So it could be significant this week that a Republican member of the Federal Trade Commission, Christine Wilson, stated that she believes Medicare should have more power to negotiate drug prices. She acknowledged that her position would be controversial among her fellow Republicans because they argue that allowing Medicare to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies would essentially allow Medicare to set drug prices and stifle development of innovative new drugs. As the year progresses, we shall see if her views make any difference..Many seniors in our community struggle month to month to make ends meet on budgets that just can't cover today's high cost of living. Today's troubled economy is leaving the elderly in a financial pinch, particularly since a large majority of senior citizens rely on Social Security benefits as their main source of income.." The new Obama Administration policy is opening Social Security to as many as 1.2 million non-citizens who won't even have legal status, " Hyland says. This is occurring at the same time Congress and the President are debating major reforms that would cut the Social Security and Medicare benefits of U.S. senior citizens who paid into the system the legal way," he adds. TSCL supports the "No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants Act", introduced by Representative Dana Rohrabacher, which would ban the use of earnings for jobs worked while illegal to be used to determine entitlement. … Continued

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