This week, TSCL endorsed the Social Security Fraud Prevention Act, sponsored by Congressman David Valadao. If signed into law, the bill would prevent instances of identity theft by removing or partially redacting Social Security numbers from government-issued documents..We are interested in hearing from our readers to learn what you think about the new Medicaid expansion. Are you benefiting from the new rules? Should there be tighter asset restrictions? Send us an email at [email protected] or pressured to sign papers. Is the salesman or dealer herding you into an office and telling you to sign now or lose your deal? That's a sure sign it's a deal worth missing..Social Security was never designed to be the sole source of retirement income. It replaces around 40 percent of the average earnings of its beneficiaries. Pensions and savings form the two other major streams of retirement income, but people who retire with all three sources of retirement income are rare. Even worse, recent research from the National Institute of Retirement Security found that more than 40% of older adults have no retirement income other than Social Security..The recent battle in Congress over lifting the debt limit contained mostly good news and some not so good news, for disabled and retired Americans. The legislation rolled back an unprecedented 52% spike in Medicare Part B premiums due to affect about 15.6 million Medicare recipients, and it prevented a 19% cut in Social Security Disability Insurance benefits due to occur later this year. But the legislation contained no Cost-of-Living Adjustment relief for 2016, and closed off one of the few claiming strategies that some Americans have to boost their Social Security payouts..Already Senate leaders are making in known that they won't get their work done on time again this year. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby said he's ready to move ahead with fiscal 2021 spending bills. But he told his subcommittee chairmen the Senate isn't likely to pass those measures until after the election, in December. Lawmakers expect to pass another stop-gap to prevent a funding lapse in September..The Chairman rightly pointed out that Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs and other online drug tracking systems can ensure that patients are only receiving the drugs they need. Senator Michael Bennet agreed that digital record keeping databases can help limit opioid prescriptions, and cited his new bill that would mandate electronic prescribing for all opioid medications prescribed to Medicare Part D beneficiaries..In one of our recent updates we said we hadn't heard anything new about the 0 drug discount card for seniors that President Trump had announced in September. The program ran into obstacles because of a number of issues, including how it was to be paid for and the fact that it could violate federal election laws as an attempt to buy votes using taxpayer money..Social Security Taxation Question Pushes Action on "Boost Bill" Into 2020

Blog Off Year Elections A Quiet Season For State Lawmakers

Higher out-of-pocket costs: The drawback to MA plans is higher out-of-pocket costs. Where Medigap supplements pay most or almost all of your covered out-of-pocket costs, there are co-pays and deductibles for most services received through MA plans. Depending on the type of MA plan you are considering you may be required to use a narrower network of healthcare providers in order to get the lowest costs. If you are considering an HMO you will be required to use only the doctors, hospitals and providers in the HMO network, or neither the MA plan nor Medicare will reimburse your bills.."Social Security Administration Actuarial Score," HR. 1314, Stephen Goss, Social Security Administration Office of the Actuary, October 27, 201"Time To Close A Social Security Loophole?" Alicia H. Munnell, Market Watch, March 19, 2014..and that doctors who accept new Medicare patients are becoming hard to find. … Continued

Ncsl In Dc Publications And Resources Capitol To Capitol April 6 2020

Spring Recess Continues.This year's study finds that Social Security benefits have lost 30 percent of buying power since the year 2000. This represents a 3-percentage point improvement in Social Security buying power from our 2019 study, which found a loss of 33 percent since 2000. While lower prices are good news in the short term, the deflationary trend suggests a very low COLA in 2021..including your home), a long-term care policy won't be an affordable option. If … Continued

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